Of course. And even though your the one person who has read it so far here is the second chapter. Chapter 2
The rest of my day had passed relatively slow. I caught every little detail from the store stacked ceiling high with books, Flourish and Blotts, to the store that held brooms and what not, Quality Qudditch Supplies. I was stunned when mum told me:
"Brooms are meant for more than just sweeping up the kitchen floor Elizabeth," as she tottered along with most of my stuff in her hands.
I had returned home and crashed on my bed exhausted from the long day. I woke up the next morning and found myself rereading the letter over and over and over and that was when it finally struck me.
"Mum!" I shouted frantically. The footsteps on the stairs pounded and my door flew open.
"What's wrong?" She looked around the room expecting to find some sort of damage.
"How am I getting to Hogwarts?" She stared at me in an almost tired expression. I guess I'd be too if my daughter had been asking me questions all day. I mean I knew there was a train but what stumped me was the platform number.
"I'll take you there and get you on the train calm down Elizabeth. Make sure you're up bright and early tomorrow morning." She then left me room and my door closed on it's own.
I spent that day packing my new robes and my school books and all the other in's and out's for my grand adventure into a new world. The next morning I stood in the bathroom and stared at myself in the mirror. I was looking for changes, anything on the outside that would reflect what is going on in the inside and yet I was finding nothing. Not a slight change. My reflection showed me the same raven haired child with bright green eyes. A small button nose and fully plumped lips that parted ever so slightly, ready to break out into a smile. The same reflection.
I walked down the stairs. Threw on my jacket and walked out the door with my mum, my trunk packed the night before. We drove down to the train station and when we arrived at platforms nine and ten I frowned from the lack of platform nine and three quarters. My mum, however, pushed me forward right towards the barrier. I looked back at her like she was insane for pushing me into a brick wall, but when I turned around a scarlet steam engine was there, not a pile for bricks covered in blood.
Stunned silence was all there was. My mum pushed me forward and shoved me onto the train saying, "You need to find an open compartment real quick." She then thrusted my trunk handle into my own hand and hugged me and kissed my cheek. "Write me every week and tell me what you think. Oh and don't forget your coming home for the break and spending the Holidays with the family." She smoothed my hair. "I love you."
My eyes filled up with tears and I whispered, "I love you too and I'm sorry for thinking you were round the bin." Her faced softened and she hugged me one last time. The whistle blew and singaled for all passengers to be on board. I found an empty compartment and looked out the window. I waved bye to my mum as it pulled away and out of the station.
I turned around and looked at the reflection in the sliding door of my compartment. The only change I found in my reflection this time was a deep sadness. My eyes shined brightly from the after effects of the tears and my mouth for once was turned down. I realized then how much I was going to miss my simple life in the normal world, I also realized that the world I was in was normal, for me anyway.
I picked up my trunk and stored it above my head. Sighing, I flopped onto the seat and closed my eyes. I lost myself in happy thoughts. Of being surrounded by kids like myself. I thumbed through my books and came to find I already loved some of the classes and disliked others. I would write my mum every week. Sometimes three times a week. It was the sliding of the door that broke me from my trance and I looked up to see a blonde headed boy standing there smiling at me. His blue eyes almost as bright as my green ones.
"Mind if I join you?" He waited there. I nodded. Not sure what to say. He walked in and placed his trunk up opposite of mine. "I'm Jacob and you are."
"Elizabeth Mae," I said softly.
"It's nice to meet you Lizzy." He laughed and I shook my head. It was going to be a long train ride and I'd already managed a nickname. Just peachy.
Last edited by Jake_Lockley8672; 01-23-2011 at 03:52 AM.
Reason: spelling