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"No? All my stuff's in the castle." What would he need a quill for? And where did his need for one come from?
He always left her with so many questions.
Or maybe she just questioned him too much.
But, yeah, she didn't think she'd need her bag here. "Maybe Saylen has one..." She probably did. And her office was, like, right there.
Figures. She didn't have a bag with her or anything, but she was a Ravenclaw, he sort of assumed she could have some parchment with her or something at all times. He'd assumed wrong.
He chuckled,
"No, no, that's okay," he said, as petted the little Niffler, which shall still remain nameless.
"I was just going to leave a note, you know, since I decided to take care for this...little...guy or girl," siiiigh, he didn't know what it was. Perhaps...a name that could fit both genres would be good, no?
See? It wasn't Divination, nor Nifflers, it was Ellie the one who made him feel better somehow. Well, her company, anyway. Very odd stuff.
"I'll come back later and do so," he shrugged as he placed the Niffler back on its cage, something the little creature didn't seem to enjoy very much.
"I will come back," he whispered to the little guy or girl.
His eyes were still on the creature and then he thought of something,
"I think we need chocolate, Ellie," he started to say, as he turned towards her,
"Or a chocolate gelato," or something gelato, or just something. Healer Moretti had recommended chocolate for heartbreak and it was kind of working.
"Would you join me?"