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Well now, that didn't look good did it? Biting her lip to avoid a giggle - the girl was young after all, couldn't expect her to get it right first time - Isabelle moved across to Kurumi's desk. "Problems?" she smiled. "Don't worry about it, we all get things wrong occasionally. Nobody is perfect, especially at spells they haven't tried before. You know Reverto?" Or, you know, Issy could do it for her.
Reverto," Kurumi commanded as the melted portion of her pocket watch was sucked back into it and it returned to looking as it had been before. "
I'm alright, Professor." Kurumi nodded looking back at the pocket watch. "
I tend to make the same mistake each time I try a new spell though. I put a little too much passion into it, and , well, things melt or explode..." she mumbled that last part through blushing cheeks. She smiled nervously and shrugged her shoulders at the professor before returning her attention to the watch.
Okay, once again, less passion. Kurumi closed her eyes for a moment. It probably would help if she created an image of a compass she knew in her head...too bad the only compass she could remember at the moment was the one from a muggle book series she had read. That was certainly not going to help her with directions... Then, she remembered a compass her other brother Takashi had had - gold ridges and a deep blue center.
Here we go again!
Kurumi repeated the wand motion as well as the spell in as clear a voice as she could manage - without going overboard this time and watched at her pocket watched changed from, well, whatever shape that was into a circle. After a few moments, Kurumi had her
compass SPOILER!!: drawing task
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Chewing her bottom lip, Isabelle eyed the students as they worked. They certainly seemed to be enjoying it *snort*. Maybe she should move onto something else they can do? Sighing, she moved over towards the blackboard and cleared off all the writing that was already on it. Scribbling with the chalk, instead this time of using magic for it, she wrote out another set of instructions.
Turning her attention back to the class, she cleared her throat to get their attention. "Those of you that wish to continue practising, please do so. The rest of you - I want to know whether your compasses work, and if you concentrated enough on the spell to get an accurate compass." Grin. Oh yes, it wasn't just an appearance thing. If their needle was wrong, or their letters in the wrong places, this wouldn't be successful for them. "So this is a little task to complete before I finish the lesson."
"I am going to set up a walled grid at the back of the room to make this fair - don't want you all to just copy what the person next to you is doing. Each compartment will have enough space for you and your desk and chair." Isabelle stopped and looked at the kids to make sure they were paying attention, or if she wasn't making sense and they had questions. "Don't be alarmed when the walls go up. You will be able to move out of them, but you WON'T be able to see anyone around you. If you wish to do this task, please write down ALL the instructions I have placed on this board, soon you won't be able to see them."
Checking that they had all made note, as she asked, Isabelle went about setting up the classroom. With a flick of her wand several walls shot up, concealing a few of the desks at the back of the room, but leaving some near the front open. "Please make your way to the front if you wish to continue practise, and to the one of the cubicles if you want to do this task."
She gave them all enough time to move around as they chose, clicking her tongue against the roof of her mouth as she waited.
"Right then, those of you that are doing this task please find North and turn your desk to face that EXACT direction. If your compass is correctly transfigured the red arrow should point to magnetic North. Then please take out a separate piece of parchment, and WITHOUT drawing the compass lines on it, please follow the directions I gave you before to create the image I'm looking for." She knew what it was, but she wanted to see if they could read their new compass, and get the lines going in the right directions. "Use your compass to get your bearings on the paper. Once you have finished, just give me a shout and I will get rid of your cubicle walls. You can start, please."
Taking out a fresh piece of parchment, Kurumi first wrote down the instructions on the board before moving to her own cubicle to start the activity. Kurumi set her compass down on the desk towards the top and put the parchment below it for easy reference. Kurumi slowly moved her desk as she kept a watchful eye on the compass to make sure that she was able to have it facing directly North. Picking up her quill, Kurumi then drew a line. She felt like she was back in calligraphy class in Japan. Looking up at the next set of instructions, Kurumi repeated to draw lines until she had completed the shape.
Kurumi rolled up her parchment and exited her cubicle so that the next student could use it.