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Jacob could barely breath in the costume, and now she expecred him to do some race... three legged thing... Nuh uh!....... No Way!....... Ok fine, he'll do it, but he was going to run. If he ran, Jacob would pass out.... and he was not going to the hospital wing trying to explain why he was wearing a Gorilla suit. Miss nurse thought he was crazy as it is, and this would just add to her reasons to put him in the nut house.
Oh person next to him was talking... he put up his gorilla hand, signaling that he was doing something, and with his other hand gripped the mask, and pulled it off... Jinkies! Its Jacob.... And I woud have gotten away with it to if it weren't for you medeling kids. sweat dripped from his hair and face, and Jacob was breathing heavily. "Its... Hot... in... that... thing" he said, stopping to breath between words. Jacob finally was able to controll his breathing.
Partners? "Sure, why not." he said... unless she didn't want to partner with sweaty people... which he could understand completely, Jacob wouldn't want to. "Jacob" he said simply. He didn't like long introductions, it was too formal. jacob blunt, ravenclaw captain just sounded weird.
Blinking a couple of times, Mia quickly stopped talking when the gorilla person raised their hand and she waited patiently for the person to do whatever it is they were doing.
She didn't have to wait long. All of a sudden the mask was removed and Mia got to see the person who had been hiding in the suit. "I bet." She said laughing as she took in his red and sweaty face.
Mia stood up and there was a grin on her face. "Oh I know who are." She may have a terrible memory when it came to names and faces but she always made it a point to know the Prefects and Captains.
"I'll just go and get the rope. You look like you have already done a ten mile run." She giggled softly and went over to the pile of ropes and picked up one and then returned to Jacob. Mia bent down and tied his right leg and her left leg together. "We're ready to go Professor."
She gave Jacob a sideways glance and grinned again. She probably should have told him that she was slightly unccordinated when it came to things like this.