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Old 01-22-2011, 06:24 PM   #44 (permalink)
Luna Laufghudd
Special Services to the School
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Join Date: Aug 2008
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Maya 'Fiera' Saylen
♪ Golden Badger ♥ clawdia & taylour ♥ Huffie Cappytain ♫

Originally Posted by D.A Forever View Post
A small smile of her own appeared, tugging the corners of her mouth upward. Admittedly, Katie was kind of glad she could get the question out of the way now rather than later. She wasn't sure when she would be done in the Abraxan stables, what with expecting Orlando to show up as well. "If you don't mind me asking, what happens to the Abraxans here at Hogwarts when they get older? Do they stay here once they're brought in, or is there a certain age were they need to be moved somewhere else?" Some where with bigger spaces for them to grow, and to make room for the younger Abraxans that were easier for most students to help look after and learn from, was Katie's idea.

"I was wondering because the colt I've been caring for is.. roughly a little over the age of three, I think, assuming he wasn't seperated from his mother and brought here until he was a few months old at least." And Katie wanted to know, to be prepared.. in case her rather large, little friend would be leaving Hogwarts before her. She hoped not.
Oh, one of those questions. Maya pursed her lips, wondering how traumatizing the answer would be for the young woman.
"Well... It depends." She started, thinking, "I don't particularily like to breed animals for the sake of breeding... Some of the creatures here stay a long time, but if there seems to be a need to let the younger ones take more espace, then yes... They would then have to be moved somewhere else." How was that?

Her colt? "I'd say he still has a couple of more years here at Hogwarts...unless there was a need to relocate him. But that would be under special circumstances. The adult Abraxans are still quite young."

Originally Posted by Super Spaz View Post
Conan smiled, "Good day Professor Saylen." He eyed her with her accent. She was from Mexico. The evviiiiiiiiil of Mexico. Or she was Spanish? She was one of them Latino anyway.

"I asked her for a book on engineering. But her and Professor Zookara were...gonna hug or something. And she just gave me this book. And then Professor Zookara told me that I should read it. And if I had any questions to come ask you."

He slipped his shoes off and picked them up. Carrying them to the chair, he sat down and placed them on the floor next to him.

He frowned, looking up. Lend it to her? But it was a library book. Did it count as a lend? He hadn't even taken it out of the library. He nodded though, handing it over. "But why the girl sphinxes? Why did they have to get that close? Do they not feel comfortable with the boy sphinxes?"
Okay, cue uncomfortable facial expression. She did not need to hear what the other Professors did on their...not so free time. Or something. "Really, they said that..." She'd have to have a talk with those two and see what was what. This whole sitiation was just...unnerving.

Aha! She had the book IN HER HANDS. She'd not give it back to him. Poor boy.
But his questions... Ugh. "You know... Maybe those Sphinxes are pensioners, and pensioners do tend to have bad eyesight. So, perhaps, they get closer to be able to see eachother better." A Magizoologist, lying. Slightly.

What is happening.

"Like Miss Donovan and Professor Zookara. You should suggest they go see an eye doctor, and have their eyes examined." Maya nodded, hoping the boy would do tht right now.

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