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Say whut?
Jake flinched quite violently when he heard a sudden noise that he clearly hadn't been expecting. The young man turned to see Risu and he was quite tempted to... well, to be frank... run.
But he didn't.
Jake had NOT expected this reaction from Antares who was usually pretty coooool and happy... so he froze for a bit.
"I... I j-just came to t-t-t-..." he began, before realising he was stuttering again.
We blame you, Antares.
Risu's eyes narrowed. Sunglasses? Inside? In November?
But now that he could see the student's face - most of it, anyway - and (a little uncharitably, but nonetheless helpful) hear the slight stutter, he remembered. "Jake?" His face relaxed. "Erm... hello." Hadn't the kid graduated a year ago? Risu was a bit fuzzy on the details, especially since there was sometimes a bit of a curious reluctance on the part of some of the longer-serving professors to discuss Jake.
He nodded in the direction of his open office door. "Want to come in?" He walked past Jake and pushed the door open fully. "Apologies if I startled you there. The chair started it."