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"I'm sorry," Ellie said, bowing her head. She knew she'd told him that she would. Lesson learned, don't promise things in advanced.
But, yeah, that was all she could say. And, "Thanks." For his permission for her not to go. Heh.
She braved looking at him again. She owed him that much, right? Eye contact. "In what way?" Totally legitimate question. "Physically..yeah." Duh, he could see that for himself. "Mentally... Yeah." Well, that was questionable. Apparently severe emotional damage could affect your brain. "But, I just..." she studied him. She'd known him for a while, right? And...they had gotten to know each other enough, now, right? And she trusted him. "I don't like change. I don't like endings." Which totally reminded her of Divination last term, which funnily enough, included Treyen. "And I don't think I'm happy...ever...since the beginning of term, you know? At best, I've been okay. Or contented. And only temporarily." Deep stuff.
He did ask. Now he got to bear her feelings. And she was making herself vulnerable. Honestly, she hadn't even talked to her dad about this. And her dad was practically her best friend. Congrats, Treyen.
She...didn't really have to apologize, but he didn't say so either. His heart was actually glad she'd said so. He didn't comment, didn't even move. Until the 'Thanks' part came along, he did a little nod after that. He wouldn't force her to do what was obviously something she didn't want to be doing in the first place. It wasn't fair. To either of them.
He felt the urge to look away when her eyes were on him, especially since her question could hold many answers and he didn't have one. Treyen didn't look away, though,
"I--," of course, she didn't let him finish, which is something the boy was utterly grateful for.
Okay, so, he thought her answer was going to be short, but he got the truth, didn't he? And all he could do was look at her as she explained. First, the pretty Healer had gotten her heart broken once, he knew so thanks to his visit. And now Ellie wasn't happy. This was a disastrous year. Yes. He wasn't precisely a happy Hufflepuff either. But the Niffler Ellie was holding could make a difference soon, no?
"I am not, either," he confessed, leaning against a cage that contained Merlin knows what creature,
"But you should be happy, Ellie," he had other reasons, starting with Gilderoy, and in all fairness, she only had the Nolan thing. Maybe he should just take her up as a project, and try and make her happy, wasn't that what he actually wanted? Did he? Er, yeah, no. Yes, Treyen wasn't sure about that.
"I had actually thought that I'd give up Quidditch if I could have last year back," and remain completely clueless about this new beginning,
"But we'll have to face something we don't want to eventually," someone else had said so, perhaps not in the exact words, but, yes. The boy straightened himself, as to look a bit taller,
"There is nothing else besides Reyn's departure that upsets you, is there?" yes, he didn't call him Nolan this time.