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Rounding the corner to his office, he was not a little surprised to see a student (it had to be a student, no teacher would ever find himself in an outfit as ridiculous as that... Risu fervently hoped), and a student peering into his office at that. Planning to spread more allergenic dust?
He frowned severely - employing muscles unused to this task - and gave one of the chairs outside his office where waiting students could sit down a hearty kick to attract the young man's attention. "Can I help you?"
Say whut?
Jake flinched quite violently when he heard a sudden noise that he clearly hadn't been expecting. The young man turned to see Risu and he was quite tempted to... well, to be frank... run.
But he didn't.
Jake had NOT expected this reaction from Antares who was usually pretty coooool and happy... so he froze for a bit.
"I... I j-just came to t-t-t-..." he began, before realising he was stuttering again.
We blame you, Antares.