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Old 01-22-2011, 12:27 AM   #13 (permalink)
Luna Laufghudd
Special Services to the School
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Join Date: Aug 2008
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Maya 'Fiera' Saylen
Default You all look wonderful <3
♪ Golden Badger ♥ clawdia & taylour ♥ Huffie Cappytain ♫

Any time now, the students would arrive...and Maya would be enjoying this class a bit too much. She wondered how everyone would be dressed, and if a spoil-sport childe would ignore the dressing up part.

Originally Posted by hermionesclone View Post
Kita walked down to to the lesson, glad that no one can see her face. She hated the fact that her costume was huge! She could still see and she had gloves on which she could easily take off. Plus the head of the costume can come off, which is good in case she became it became too stuffy in her costume. The only problem was the fact that she now seemed to have gained a lot of weight in a couple of hours.

Upon reaching the class area, Kita took the head of her costume off, revealing her hair which was "accidentally" wet."Hello Professor," she said, giving her a swift smile. She walked towards a seat that formed part of the circle and sat down. She felt weird, being the first one here. Even if she had been looking forward to this lesson a lot.
But...seeing something BIG through the corner of her eye, her head turned towards the...thing, only to see a dolphin.


Maya had to keep the laughter from escaping her mouth, so she covered it with an akward hand. "Good day...Miss Lewis. Nice costume."

Originally Posted by aaetha View Post
Ariana walked up to the circle of benches and sat down next to a girl in a costume, she couldn't see her face. Ariana was wearing a black shirt, really dark blue-black jeans, and flaps of fabric in between her arms and sides, with feathers drawn on, to represent wings. She had used eyeliner on her face to draw feathers, and orange face paint to create a beak-like drawing around her mouth.

A raven for Ravenclaw, she thought. She sat down and smiled at Professor Saylen and the girl, as she took off the head to reveal a- 14 or 15 year old. [b]"Hello Professor,"[b] she said, and then turned to the girl. "Hi.
And another one. An a quite artistic costume that was. "Hello, Miss Hartley." HEHE. "Hope that art doesn't smudge."

Originally Posted by Roselyn View Post
Well, she really had no idea why they had to dress up as their favorite creature, but, it just meant another project for the Slytherin girl. Yup, another costume project. Except this time she was sure it'd come out better then the viking outfit last year.

Making her way down to the class, wearing a rather blue and scaly looking jacket with dark blue matching scaly pants, and she was in fact, wearing nice looking dark flat shoes. There was no way she was going to go all out for this, but this was all just good enough. Deciding a green undershirt would go nice with the blue, the girl kept her hair down rather wavy and also wore a strange looking funky hat. Her outfit, mostly made out of the clothes she wore with a few charms to get the scaly look. Don't ask her how either. She won't tell ya.

Of course, she was going as a dragon. What else? But not any dragon. A swedish short snout dragon. The dragon with practically the hottest flame. Of course.

She rather liked her outfit. "Good day Professor." she said before...sitting down on one of the circle seats. Circles. Eh.
What was this girl wearing on her head??
Maya wasn't sure, but it did make her want to giggle. "Hello, Miss Flores-Shepard." Nod nod.

Originally Posted by sweetpinkpixie View Post
Kurumi had practically sprinted down from the castle to her first Care of Magical Creatures lesson with, for perhaps the first time this term, her munchkin cat Walnut chasing after her. She just couldn't wait to kick of the new term properly with a creatures class. She had spent so much time on her costume that she had hardly gotten any sleep the night before. After finishing her own costume, she had had to work on Walnut's costume. If he was going to start tagging along in class, he was going to have to participate just like the rest of the student.

Wearing every single red thing that she owned, Kurumi found a seat right smack in the middle where she could see whatever it was Professor Saylen had under the blanket. However, she found it rather hard to sit down due to her costume having a rather large tail. Reaching down, she picked up Walnut and set the pretty in green kitty on her lap.

"Good day, Professor Saylen," Kurumi smiled looking up from under her rather large headdress.
Maya's eyes actually widened at this next costume, not because of the choice, but because for a second she thought there was a flame of ball flying towards them all. But it was just, "Miss Hollingberry." And the cat, "I see you found a costume for Walnut." Poor creature. Hehe.

Originally Posted by Emishlon View Post
Ella felt embarrassed wearing this but she was still excited about coming to the first Care of Magical Creatures lesson. This was her favourite lesson, after all. So, she arrived, wearing a pig hat and a matching pink outfit with tassels on it. She was glad that she chose this option over her full body costume. It would have been very hot outside if she had done. Hrmmm.... She didn't actually know that pigs were her favourite creature, but she felt like she had to dress as one today. Weird. As well as the hat and the pink outfit (which was already out of her comfort zone), Ella also had a completely painted pink face. She was a pig. Head to toe.

UGHH. "Hello, professor." She smiled politely, then sat on one of the seats that were formed in a circle. She twitched nervously. Hopefully this lesson would turn out to be fun and maybe Ella could enjoy this little dress-up sesh. But for now.. one thing played on her mind;

Ella looked stupid. And she knew this.

HEHeheHehheee. A pig. "Good day, Miss Ainsworth." Hehehehe. "I like your hat."

Originally Posted by Zebragirl View Post
Proudly, Emily entered the classroom, pleased at her costume.
She adored it and didn't care she looked silly. She had even painted her face, so it had a dragon down the side of her cheek.
"Hello Professor" she said as she passed the teacher and sat down.
Yep, she was fine with this... as long as no one took her picture and gave it too her sister...
Oh, look at that... "Hello hello." Maya greeted the young girl. "Nice dragon on your cheek."

Originally Posted by imaginarynumb3rs View Post
The sixth year sort of, galloped, down the sprawling fields towards the outside classroom. School bag knocking into her side, Wesley skidded to a stop as she reached the circle of benches, heels digging into the soft dirt and grass.

She was dressed as usual - uniform, robes, and badge - but her small hands gripped a kitchen bowl, tipped upside down on her head like a helmet. Messily taped to the container's rim, various Hufflepuff ties, fraying shoelaces, and colorful hair ribbons dangled jauntily.

Removing one hand to swipe some of the hangings aside, the teenager exclaimed in the crouched teacher's direction, "Hello, Professor Saylen!"

That said, she made her way over to Evelyn, taking a seat to the Slytherin's left. "I like your costume, Miss Dragon," she commented, giggles escaping between words. Wesley paused for a brief second, before blurting excitedly, "I'm a jellyfish!"

Now this... this was... something. Ah, whatever it was, it sure was colorful. Yes. "Good day, Miss Reagan." A few seconds passed as she regarded the costume. "You look colorful."

Originally Posted by Walrus View Post
Jacob walked down the grounds towards the CoMC area. He liked the class... he just never really got into it, it was more of a 'sleep-when-the-professors-not-looking' type class.

But today he was going to pay attention, especially since they had to have costumes on. And Jacob had his Gorilla with a banana costume on.

The weird thing was that himself and everyone else had this junk just laying around their dormitories... it must be a Hogwarts thing. People here were so weird, even after 5 terms he hadn't gotten used to it. And the even weirder thing was, he still had the banana costume from last term in his trunk... why? No body knows... maybe he'll need it at some point. Maybe its just in memory of all the times he'd been attack by cake. So many battles... so much fear... so much good cake gone to waste as it tried to kill him.

Jacob reached the circle of benches, no professor? Alright
"Ha!" She coughed, loudly. Maya hadn't meant to laugh out loud like that, even though she didn't really laugh...

He was a monkey! With a BANANA.
That was just...great. "Hello Mister Blunt. I see you brought lunch." Please don't feed the animals.

Originally Posted by Nixy! View Post
Iris grinned. She didn't really like Care of Magical Creatures, but she DEFINITELY made the effort for this lesson. There is a chance of dressing up, so therefore this lesson is going to be fantastic.

The prefect was dressed up... well... she was dressed up as a butterfly. A giant butterfly. Iris had used some Muggle butterfly wings, and transfigured them into giant, iridescent butterfly wings. Sadly, they didn't flutter though. Iris never found the time to figure that one out. Along with the wings, Iris had fashioned herself some antennae, which were a lilac colour, and very curly. For the body of the butterfly, Iris had got her least favourite dress; a purple maxi dress that was just too long for her. Either way, it worked well to make the body. Just for the heck of it, Iris had attacked the maxi dress with glitter, that was also rather iridescent. And just to top it all off, Iris had painted her face lilac, and covered her eyes with silvery glitter.

Smiling at the people that were already there, Iris waved. She probably looked a bit crazy... dressed up like a butterfly that wasn't even a real kind of butterfly. "Hullo Professor Saylen!" Iris called, happily. Seeing Wesley, Iris grinned and skipped over to her. "Heeeey. Nice... costume." She said, warily eyeing the ... thing on Wesley's head.
Oooh, a butterfly. Yes, creative. "Good day Miss Beaumont. Lovely antennae."

Originally Posted by dragon_star View Post
Savannah walked in to the class in a rather comfortable costume unlike the others. She shifted her fox ears to make them straight and looked at other student's costume but thought hers was the best of them all. She got to thank her sister for the ears and the tail. "Good day Professor." she said, thinking that she should have at least some manners. Savannah waited impatiently but quietly for further intructions.
Ears! "Good day, Miss Black. Nice ears." Yep yep. "Goes well with your tail."

Originally Posted by Macavity View Post
Simon had had no idea what kind of animal costume to wear to class first, the boy not that into dressing up. But then he had remembered something from a creature class the term before and had an idea. Changing his night robe a deep red and slippin it on over his slacks and red sweater he had almost had a good interpretation of the phoenix from his creature card.

He conjured up a mask once he referenced the bird in a book and wearing it entered the clearing for class. Simon however couldn't help chuckling as he spotted another phoenix already there who on further inspection was his second year friend.

"Looks like we had the same idea huh, Kurumi," he mused with a smile.
Two phoenixes? This was starting out rather well. And he was rather creative as well.

"We will wait a little bit more before starting the class." Maya announced, watching as more and more students arrived.
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