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"Thank you, Jaina, I can handle it," Isabelle smiled, giving the girl a thankful look. "And you are right, some muggles do enjoy magic, they just think it's different to what it actually is. And you can't really say that everyone feels that magic isn't real, Benjamin, after all we don't know all the muggles in the world."
Clearing her throat, Issy walked back to her desk and leant against it, rubbing her temples. She'd need a clear head. Maybe she should open the windows after all.
More than slightly annoyed at the boy's comment, Charley raised her hand in a.... dignified manner.
I agree with Jaina.
Both about muggles
and which spell we should learn," she said as if reporting, making certain to put quite a bit of emphasis on certain words, speak confidently. She thought of how her family spoke-the Slytherins, really, it
was practically in the House description-and tried to replicate Lauren and Nathaniel's demeanours.
Originally Posted by
Democratic? Of course she could have just not let them choose at all. Patience, Isabelle.
"The majority of your classmates chose the compass spell. Now I'm sorry your choice did not win out, but that is the way voting works. Majority. So please just keep practising the incantation. And of course you may come to my office after class, by all means." Just give me time to get rid of this headache. Isabelle smiled as walked over to the window and flung it open. Air. Now.
"Right everyone," she smiled from her position by the window.
"It would seem that you are all set with the incantation, now onto the wand movement." Isabelle took out her own wand again and held it in front of her for them all to see.
"Firstly you make a small cross shape - top to bottom, left to right. Then you carry that through to a small circle shape finished by a gentle jab at the item you are changing. But you do not need to touch it." She demonstrated what she meant by applying it to the watch she had left on her desk. Cross shape, circle, jab.
"One long, fluid movement, no stopping and starting or it won't work correctly.... Comletia!" With a poof the watch became a bright red compass, similar colouring to what the watch had been. She held it up for them to see.
"Now if you wish to change the appearance even further, beyond merely making it a compass, you need to concentrate even harder, and more completely on what you wish the final object to look like." Placing the new compass back down on the desk, Issy leant her bum against it as she looked at the kids.
"Concentration and intent are key to making sure you get the exact thing you are aiming for. Now please practice the wand movement without the incantation, and once you feel you have mastered it, move on to doing the two together."
Feeling the cool air blow on her face, Isabelle closed her eyes and smiled. It was helping.
"If you make any mistakes, or simply want to keep practising more than the once - which I hope you do - I shall revert the compass back for you to a watch, or you can ask one of the older students for help with that. I'm sure they'd be more than willing." Right?
"You may begin." OOC: I'm going to have get an early night, I'm sorry. Just continue practising, first with just wands, then with wands and incantation. You can chat a little, but please don't go overboard. I might not be here, but Professor Magnus is still in the room, and with her headache she will take points. So please have your character behave. 
While she felt a bit...defeated, Charley was, as usual, going to at least attempt to make the most of the lesson. She put her wand back into her bag and began to practise the spell, shooting a tinge of a smile towards Jaina and towards Belle. They
were still the trio of first-years they had been in their Charms lesson regardless.
She continued practising the incantation until Professor Magnus spoke again.
That isn't too terribly difficult, she thought after the woman described the wand movement.
She took her wand from her bag and started practising that, first by itself, then adding the incantation. Once she became more forceful in the movements, the darling sea green
pocket watch Professor Magnus had placed on her desk grew into a slightly larger, deep green compass.
(slightly ooc re: darling-Charley does not use that sort of adjective)