Welcome to the first Care of Magical Creatures lesson of the term.
The class area has been slightly rearranged, and instead of seeing multiple rows of benches, the seating has been placed to form a large circle. In the middle, you will find nothing but space, which will be used alot in this class.
Lesson numero one will begin soon, so take a seat and chat with your neighbour while you wait. But make sure you don't talk too loudly or Maya won't be glad that no one hears her over the sound of your own voices.
Where is Professor Saylen? Well, she's not in a costume and currently being busy with a creature inside a covered-up crate.
ยป Remember to please describe what your character is wearing. You can link to a costume, like so, or explain what your character is wearing - 'She has a lion mask, yellow striped tshirt, orange pants, her fluffy slippers and a tail made of a belt... etc. This is so that Maya can know how you all look, to be able to conduct the lesson to the fullest.
Makeup is a plus, and whatever other accessories you can think of. Points will be awarded for creativity and participation. This class is not a Quidditch match, so no need to stress about answering a question first ; )
Where we're at now:
1.) Three (or six) legged walk! 2.) The walk continues, with music for your pleasure.