Text Cut: Pinky
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Lexi's attention turned toward the girl that spoke next. Pursing her lips for a moment she said, "Well then you could either perform the required first aid using magic, or call for someone that could help. And we can't teach Muggles to use magic, so them knowing our secrets would do no good, would it? They haven't got magic in them like we do. It would be useless."
Sierra slowly turned toward the older Gryffindor girl who'd spoken up and pretty told anyone with ears that Sierra's idea was wrong and couldn't be used.
Well, pin a rose on her nose!
Sierra immediately gave her a roll of the eyes then turned her attention back to the professor. She'd catch this girl in the corridors one of these days, but for now, there was no way she was going to lose house points over some big-mouthed
...and she supposed this girl thought her marshmallow and pillow filled holes would surprise a muggle any less than the summoning charm?
Right. Because there were just
so many marshmallow-filled holes already decorating Muggle London that it would be of no surprise to anyone. Not even the non-magicals. Psh. Yeah, right.
Text Cut: MeredithRodneyMcKay
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Mhmm. Right. The first child to make the point that out. Isabelle smiled and lowered her head. Maybe she should have mentioned it was hypothetical, and she wasn't planning on having muggles in the classroom? "In that case then, Sierra, maybe you would be able to conjure something medical related to help them? A cold flannel for their head perhaps?"
"I would say Accio is more of a charm, as we are not conjuring or changing the appearance of the thing. And I was more thinking about little ways we could help them, rather than teach them things. They'll never be able to perform magic, as you know. But helping with chores in some way for a muggle you know, is not a bad idea. Thank you." Smiling, Issy turned towards the next person.
"Now then, as you can see it's not a long list, due in part to what I mentioned about difficulty, time, space, etcetera. But I would like you to choose which of these spells you would like to try and learn today. One vote each please." With a smile, Isabelle looked out across the assembled students. She had faith they could do any of them.
...and it totally didn't help matters that the professor just dissed her idea, as well. Bah.
Sierra was going to fail her first year at Hogwarts! Why was
every subject suddenly concerning muggles?! ...and here she'd thought it was just Muggle Studies she had to worry about failing!!! She made an inward sigh and brought her head down on her desktop with a soft thud.
She needed a tutor!!! Text Cut: MeredithRodneyMcKay
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"Thank you for all the votes, it would appear that the majority of you have chosen the compass spell. A useful one for those that don't want to constantly use Point Me! And want something more permanent." Muggles for instance. And the kids did seem to think they got lost alot, so why not learn this? Plus the fact you could use it then keep your wand free for other things. Anyway, moving on.
Walking to the table behind her desk, Isabelle took a deep breath and picked up one of the many boxes. "In here I have a range of watches - wrist ones, pockets ones, big, small. I'll pass them out to you all then we can concentrate on getting the incantation correct, along with the wand movement." Placing the box down on her desk, Issy lazily flicked her wand and watch after watch made it's way to a students desk. "Once you have had a chance to get the feel of your watch, you can try the proper pronunciation of the spell. WITHOUT wands first." She emphasised that bit. Didn't wand them to blow something up because they didn't do the right wand movement.
"Alright everyone. The incantation for this spell, as you can see on the board, is Comletia, and it is pronounced thus: Com-LET-e-AH. Have a go at getting that right, then we'll move to wands."
OOC: I'll be back a little later, feeling a bit ill right now. Please just have your character inspecting their watches and practising the incantation - NO WANDS YET. No excessive chatting please, just keep it to the learning. Thanks.
Having just cast her vote for the compass spell, Sierra diverted her attention to the large pocket watch that had recently taken up residence on her desk. She eyed it with disgust, mainly because she was so upset at herself for not being as brilliant at
everything like her older sister was.
With the look of disgust still on her face and her eyes still on the watch, Sierra said,
"Comletia!" She wondered what the spell would do once she had a wand in her hand. She'd tuned out the last few minutes of the lesson while her mind had been filled with thoughts of having to repeat her first year.
"Comletia!" she said again.