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Old 01-21-2011, 09:30 PM   #157 (permalink)

Mountain Troll
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Lexi pouted just a little bit when the professor said they were learning the compass thingy. Sighs. Meh. Would be interesting to transfigure a pocket watch into a compass. Grabbing her watch as it came to her desk she set it aside and left her wand in it's holster.

Clearing her throat she repeated the incantation aloud, "Com-LET-e-AH, Com-LET-e-AH, Com-LET-e-AH, Com-LET-e-AH, Com-LET-e-AH." She then went about repeating it in her mind. She could TRY a nonverbal for this. She could and she WOULD. Hehehe. Shooting a glance around she smiled.
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