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Anakin merely blinked, still a little unsure of why she was apologizing, he WAS after all the one who got in the way. He'd probably yell too. Giving a small shrug, and placing the smile back on his face, he gave an offhanded wave of his hand, "Don't even worry 'bout it." Because it was already forgotten in his mind. Screwing up his face in concentration he strained to catch everything she was saying, intently watching her mouth.
Alexa Meridew? But only to be called Lexi. Point made, point remembered in his brain. Offering his hand in greeting, Ani gave a small smile, "Pleasure Lexi. Anakin Amstern." Anakin was fine, as they're weren't a whole lot of other ways to say it. Siiigh.
Ravenclaw? Ahh. He was meeting quite a few of those. Nodding his head, he pointed to himself, holding his tie up slightly, preferring the classic uniform to every day muggle garb. "4th year hufflepuff." Yeah puff's!
Lexi nodded. She was freakin' BORED. Lexi crossed her arms across her chest ans listened to the boy talk. She nodded somemore because she really was listening.
"Well it's nice to meet you Anakin." Lexi said with a flirty tone.
"Ahh Hufflepuff." Lexi said out loud to herself.
"Doesn't it suck? Just being in the two houses that no one wants to be in because everyone cares about Gryffindor and Slytherin only?" Lexi asked him.