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Alexa walked through the corridor. She didn't know which one and she didn't really care. She wasn't paying any attention as to where she was walking and that was just part of her personality. Lexi whipped out her bright blue mirror and looked at herself as her heels clicked down the stone floor. She put her blue mirror away and stashed it in her silver purse.
As she kept to herself and walked on her noticed that someone walked out in front of her. That made her mad. So what she got mad very easily. Well this time she was thinking about Beck. Ahh Beck. Dear sweet Beck. He better not find out who the REAL her is.
"What where you're going!!!" Lexi yelled. But then she saw the guys face and that was no way to speak to a handsom guy. "I'm sorry." Lexi said to him.
Feeling the light
thump on the ground that Anakin could only identify as heels clicking on the floor, he quickly stood, brushing himself off and smiling all normal like at the girl who came towards him. He wasn't weird. He wasn't pretending to be a ninja. Nothing to see here. Heh.
But then, watching her face, his smile slipped as she appeared to be...yelling? Merlin's beard that was scary. It was a good thing he couldn't HEAR the volume, or else he probably would have shied away. Just when he opened his mouth to apologize, she beat him to the punch, and Ani was left with a mouth agape.
"Er, it's okay?" Though he wasn't sure what for.