Anashti l Brat Pack l Sally & Dr. Finklestein
It seemed things were getting harder and harder to keep his little secret to himself, sure it was nice having Seb to talk to on occasion, but he couldn't always rely on his best mate to be there. Seb had a life too, he didn't need Anakin trailing along behind because he was scared he'd screw things up when talking to someone different. What did it matter anymore if people knew anyways? Sure they might avoid him, but he wasn't doing a lot to befriend people now was he?
Roaming down the second floor corridor, as it was the most deserted he'd heard, he glanced around on the ground, checking for feet, not caring if he appeared rude should someone try to speak to him. He didn't really care at the moment. And then he spotted a pair of shoes and took a quick glance at the person sitting with they're knees to they're chest, and he stopped, recognizing the familiar face. "Vashti?" He always seemed to find her in a similiar sort of position. He wasn't going to believe this time that everything was 'fine'.
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Let them point and laugh at who we are, it's you and me here dancing from the start |