Text Cut: Professor Magnum, Conan
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Right, now to get onto the lesson.
"For this first lesson I have decided to let you choose what you learn." Issy's eyes took in all their faces before she continued.
"This is why I asked you to prepare to be creative. Imagine for a moment," cue the walking around the room
"that you could perform magic infront of muggles, and even use it to help them. I would like you to provide to me a situation where you think a muggle might need assistance, and which spell you would use to help them. Be it transfiguring something, conjuring something - I'm going to let you decide. I will list them on the board behind, then we shall have a vote on which one we learn in the second half of this lesson."
Isabelle stopped at the front of the room and folded her hands in front of her. She kept quiet for a few seconds to let what she had said sink in. Hopefully they would come up with something good. They looked like they might.
"Bear in mind what you cannot do, as per the five exceptions behind me. Please let your imaginations go. Fire away!" OOC: Just be creative here. Have it from your charries point of view as well, so if they don't know much about muggles - it might mean they come up with something weird.
Also if you don't know the name of a spell, or it has no incantation, just tell Isabelle what it does and she'll go with that.
And this is my last post for the night. Please keeping the chatting to a minimum, unless you are discussing the lessons subject/question with each other. Thank you! Quote:
Originally Posted by
Super Spaz
Conan bounced in his seat slightly. He'd read the textbook later. Now he was able to do magic in front of his parents. "I would fill my Mom's car up with gas when she ran out." Yeah that is useful. And cheap too. See he knew some stuff. Ok he hadn't read his text book, but he knew some stuff.
Salander tilted his head, recalling what they had to do for Potions class.
Hmm... help Muggles. Again. Whatever happened to help Wizards Too? "Well Professor," Salander started
"... Muggles have ways of doing stuff for themselves, so really if us Wizards have to give them a hand with anything...." anything that wont have them dragging us out and hanging us by the gallows "....its probably for something thats way over their heads-- like some kind of disaster." What Conan said about gas reminded him of something
"There was this nasty oil spill about 50-60 years ago along the Gulf of Mexico-- an oil rig blew up so the oil well that it was connected to underwater was gushing outta control. It took 3 months for the Muggles to seal it back up. Took even longer just to clean up the oil spill which at that point has spread over thousands of miles-- in the water, along the shoreline, on the sea floor. Pretty much everything was either coated in crude oil or was already dead due to poisoning or suffocation." "So maybe..... we could help them transfigure all that oil that would've sealed the leak quickly. And collect the rest of the oil spill thats mixed in with the water and the soil by transfiguring them into something that easier to handle or more useful.... like rubber duckies or beach balls, or floating pool loungers."
Well, if they are helping out with an oil spill by the shore, might as well have a party to go with it right? Right!