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SO CLOSE! So close to getting his Jelly Bean. Oh well. She did say next time. He put his fingers around the strap of his bag as she opened the door. He looked at the door as it was pretty dark in the room it seemed. He headed towards the door as she told him to go in. She seemed okay with it as he decided he should be too. He walked into the room as it transformed into something else. Something else entirely.
He should of checked for drool as this was so Awesome! He grinned as he looked around at the sky. It was so awesome. This was so cool. It was the only thing he could think of. Just how cool it was. "This...Is so freakin awesome." he told Ara as he turned to her with a grin. " So awesome. " He walked towards the blanket with all the snacks and telescope. He looked up at the sky once more as he spoke." It looks so real. The moon is pretty big." He pulled the bag over his head, setting it down as he moved to look through the telescope. It was pretty cool. OKAY. She won. This was awesome. He looked back over to her as he looked around for a moment. " If i knew better i would think you were trying to get me on a date with you." He teased her as he turned to look at the stars.
"You better have made at least one of the snacks be jelly beans." He would take any. He wasnt too picky at the moment seeing as she did show him this room. "So how do you get the room to work?" He turned to her as he was curious to see how he could get it to work next time.
His first words caused Ara to rub her fingers along her shirt and then blow on them as if she were shining something spectacular. Well it was something spectacular if Corvus was impressed....and he was impressed. Woot! She won! Now THAT was just plain awesome...and she was just awesome.
And then his second statement was just...."Well, you don't know better," she giggled then proceeded to say. "Besides, I have a boyfriend, though if I didn't..." She was NOT about to say anything else. The words coming out of her mouth at that very moment were not making any sense. Her? Feelings for Corvus? Nahhhhh!
She walked over, sat on her knees and reached to where the snacks were sitting on the blanket. "I have the blanket because I don't want grass stains on my clothes, you don't need them either," she began as she held up a bowl of his favorite. "And you think that I would really forget you like that?" Well, maybe if it were anyone else she would but this was her best friend. She winked and gave him a smile, reaching for her own snack of choice, white chocolate and strawberries, which of course, was her favorite cousin's snack as well.