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Corvus was holding onto Ara's hand as she dragged him up ALL those stairs. He was huffing and puffing as they finally stopped in front of a wall. A wall? He turned to her as part of his hair was standing up from all wind that had swooshed past them when she dragged him. He raised an eye brow at her as he pointed at it." ITS a WALL!?" She had dragged him all the way up here for that!
She still looked excited....
"A big secret that everyone knows about? It's not a secret then..." What did he want to see. If he could see anything what would it be that he would want. "I want something with the sky and stars." He did love star gazing. "What about a GIANT popcorn jelly bean? Can it do that?" That would be AWESOME. He would never need to by another jelly bean.
The smile disappeared off of Ara's face. Finally, she turned to look at Corvus with a startled look of surprise. "Of all things you want, you want a giant popcorn jellybean?" Ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww!
She stood, staring at him, her eyebrows growing closer together as if she didn't understand his brain sometimes, in which was true, but for once maybe she should give in to what he wanted instead of what she wanted. Just once.
"Well, I..." she paused as she thought long and hard on the popcorn jellybean concept. "...Maybe next time." Yup! That was Ara. She paced back and forth three times until a door appeared and the tapestry...disappeared. A smile formed back on her lips as her delicate fingers reached out to open the door.
"After you," she presented to Corvus as the room was dark with a slight breeze blowing through. Her green eyes caught a glimpse of the room as she noticed grass, a blanket, snacks, telescope and a sky full of stars and planets. The moon was full and in the background, a sight that was almost too beautiful for anyone to imagine. This room was awesome.