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Team ronmione "Yes it is. I'll be there in the corner, you next to me. Hugo in the middle with Elyon, she wants to be our singer, and Septimus off to the side on the right."He explained, pointing to all the spots.
"We may not be dating anymore, but you are still my friend...No matter what happens, I will still be your friend, right?"He asked her, unsure of himself, of who they were.
His words hit her like a ton of bricks and she felt as though she were going to fall forward and never actually hit the ground. Just keep falling and falling and falling into eternity.
So...we really are...o-o-o-o-over then? Just like that?" she said as her shoulder began to shake due to her trying to hold back her tears. She looked up at one of the windows in the classroom and let the sun bathe her face. "
Adam, I have been doing a lot of thinking...I...I can't say what you said to me a few weeks ago," she explained turning around to face him. She was, of course, talking about when Adam had said that he loved her. "
But, I do know that I like you and not just as a friend. If you are willing to just give up before the final whistle is blown...then you really are thick."
She wasn't sure where this confidence was coming from, but she was starting to realize that she only had a short amount of time to tell Adam everything she was thinking and feeling.
I know that other people have told you to break up with me, but me out of your mind, cut me off...but I don't think that is right. I think that is doing what is easy. I think that is running away."