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The logical reaction would have been to raise his hands and simply block the hay. But logic and Sabel weren't two words that were often found in conjunction with one another. Instead, hands went up, his feet went back and gravity had its own bit of fun. Whether it was because all of Lexi's flailing had rubbed off on him, or he was simply that uncoordinated, he hit the ground with a thud. It didn't serve any purpose of helping however, as the tossed hay floated down to rest on his face.
Chuckles broke from his chest as he lay there, squinting his eyes so as not to get dust in them as he blew at the golden threads. Once they were somewhat clear, he turned his head to grin at Lexi. "Depends on what you define as a language."
Oh man. She was going to pee her pants if he kept it up. It was like DAkest Comedy Hour in there. His falling made her start to laugh so hard the piggies ran as far from her as they could go.
Rolling over so she could see him she covered her mouth and snickered behind it. "
That was some fine falling, Dakest. Just plain lovely," she said as she removed her hand and began to dust his face off ever so gently.
You know. Laughter suits you, Sabel. You should do it more often. Smiling as well," she commented with a grin. "
Weeeell a lanuage is a form of verbal communication I suppose. SO with that definition there could be MILLIONS of languages. Your gibberish could count."