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Tuning in to things, Renée didn't let her neutral expression falter as she got a bit more of an idea what Ellie thought of her, but she shrugged as the letter came back into focus. Namely, her idle question about the one the girl had been thinking of sending to the former professor, but she wasn't going to say anything to that effect. "Just an idle comment. No need to dwell on that," she said, just as idly. Especially as the ravenclaw seemed to take her subsequent statements as a cue to rant. Again. Although most of the previous rants had remained quiet.
It was really quite amazing how much vitriol could be in such a tiny body. Not to mention how much misunderstanding, disappointment, and all other sort of strong emotions. She could tell it wasn't actually all because of the absence of Nolan, but she also knew the misdirection and disappointment was making her the target. The comment about rearranging his office was fascinating, though. Considering it had been any number of other professors' offices before his, that argument could even have been addressed to her beloved professor. She wouldn't say anything, though. Pointing out hypocrisy wasn't the way. "I wouldn't say I replaced him. Not as a person, as that is completely impossible. I was hired to fill in after his departure, true. But he had left before I came," she said calmly, folding her hands on her desk. "Perhaps you should take it up with Headmaster Tate, if you feel the time for changing minds wasn't allowed. Or that everyone doesn't want me here." It seemed obvious to herself that the headmaster hadn't wanted the position left open on the odd chance Nolan would chose to return. Or that his reason for leaving would change to allow it. She was fairly certain she wouldn't have been hired if he'd thought she wasn't needed or wanted. "By the way, I can tell you that I know" Nolan "Professor Reynolds is very good at helping people pursue their chosen paths in life." That was definitely something she could make a sure statement about, and also was the reasoning behind her own letter plan.
As Ellie scrunched back into her chair to hide her tearstained face, Renée quietly magicked a box of tissues over to the chair, letting it rest on the floor near her feet. She wasn't entirely unfeeling, after all. She was sad that the girl was so upset over it all, and was struggling to adapt. It seemed Bowie sensed that as well, as at the sign of movement, she glanced down to see the crup puppy creeping toward Ellie with a slight whine, before coming to a stop a few feet away from the chair. The puppy was unsure, but wanted to help anyway.
"Just a quick question, and I simply ask you to humor me for a moment," she said, out of curiosity, and maybe a tiny need to point out hypocrisy. "If any other professor was in this position, other than myself or Professor Reynolds, would you still feel this way? Like Professor Descoteaux, perhaps?" Of course, she knew Jared wouldn't have come anywhere near teaching Divination, but she had a feeling his name could hit on something. And besides, Ellie hadn't heard her conversation with the Charms professor at the feast anyway.
Okay, so she'll just shrug off the letter. It didn't bother her. Ellie was much more interested in the human in the room than a letter she'd mentioned.
She heard what Bishop said about 'not taking Reyn's place', but chose to act as if she hadn't, and didn't say anything. And as for Tate? Heh. Nooooo. Tate scared her. She would not be taking anything up with him. Nope. She'll just take it up with Reyn in her letter.
Pursue chosen paths....what? Did that even make any sense?
And Ellie heard that whine. But NO. Ignoring crup. Instead, she took a tissue from the box and blew her nose with it. Drown out the puppy. It was easier that way. Otherwise, she wouldn't be able to not like Bishop. After all, who could like someone's crup, but not the person?.... Unless the crup didn't like Bishop either...and was being kept here against its will...GASP.
But since she was unsure, Ellie kept ignoring it as best as she could.
Ellie wrapped her arms around her legs and rested her chin on her knees. Wait, what did she say? What about Little Professor?
"Can you rephrase that?" In english maybe? And she didn't see what Little Professor had to do with this conversation at all. All she'd caught were Reyn and Descoteaux, though. So maybe it was related?
"You mean like Divination?" What?
She would humor Bishop...she supposed. If she could understand her.