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Tazenhani It was an effort between trying to restrain his laughter and appearing solemn and confused as he peered at his fingers, wiggling them. His eyes flicked between and Lexi and then back again. "Strange. It wasn't Lexivis cheering charm." Drawing his fingers back to his lips, he drummed them there slowly, thoughtfully. "Unless Capravis hirpungo is Latin for the cheering charm. But then I should have bleating goats." With a playful frown he walked over to Lexi and gave her a soft poke in the ribs. "Instead I got a bleating Denver."
Tears finally did spill as she continued to roar with laughter.
Lexivis Cheering Charm... for some reason that was funnier than the entire act of trying to cast the goat herding charm. Snort!
Sitting up she wiped her eyes on the sleeve of her robes and snorted a few times. Which, again, caused a symphony of snorts from the piggies. When he poked her ribs she again giggled and flailed a bit. "
Denver's don't bleat! We giggle. Snort. Chuckle. A plethora of other things... never bleat though," she said with a mock offended face.