Hello ~Otty. Welcome back! I missed you and your ff while you were gone. Loved the post. My favorite lines:
Before either of them could blast each other or in Teddy’s case rip someone’s head off, Diego was standing between the boys polishing his sword.
“We’re guests of Ottery’s friend, and we should act as such,” Tiffany said, rubbing her neck and surreptitiously pointing with her eyes at the vampire guards watching them from a short distance.

So much can be said without words.
My favorite part:
Out of nowhere Angel’s fist came slamming into Teddy’s cheek, but just as quickly the boy found himself flying through the air and slamming down hard on a table in the room.
“Boys!” Tiffany screamed.
“Nobody gets the better of me sweet cheeks,” Teddy remarked.
Don't you just love Teddy!?!!?!
And this:
I did miss the song though... Just sayin...
Yeah, Droo has it right. I always get your song you post with the new chapter stuck in my head the rest of the day. It was a tradition. What's up with not having a song for us?

Great post though, and I'll be watching for my notice you posted.