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Old 01-19-2011, 04:35 AM   #70 (permalink)
Cassiopia Malfoy
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Join Date: Dec 2009
Location: New England
Posts: 2,704

Hogwarts RPG Name:
Kaylee Strap
First Year
Dragon..Dragon..Draco.. | | Sirius Lee Black

Chapter Twenty Three

"She has Orion!" I couldn't stop my screaming, and everyone was staring at me confused. "She's going to kill Orion! I need to stop her." If it wasn't for the healer and Carla holding me down I would have apparated away in an instant. "Carla! Let me go, I need to stop her from killing Orion!"

"But I thought you wanted him dead?" Carla looked at me still extremely confused. "I thought you hated him."

"I LOVE HIM!" I yelled at her. "Now let me go."

"YOU LOVE HIM?" Carla exploded, her eyes bulging.

"Yes, now let me go!" I demanded of her.

"Slow down, forget Orion for a moment, since when did you love him?!" Carla countered, and the healer was staring at us as if we were insane.

"Since, I don't know! Since we've been going out." I shrugged, still struggling to get up.

"Your going OUT with ORION MALFOY? Are we talking about the same Orion here?" Carla stared at me in disbelief.

"Yes, I am going out with Orion Malfoy." In her shock Carla relaxed her hold on me and I escaped, grabbing my wand I apparated away to where ever I had been before, with a quick reducto I blasted a large whole through the door, no one, I repeat, no one stands in the way of an angry Grath.

"Tessa! Get out of here before Bellatrix finds you again." Chris hissed suddenly, and I turned to face him, shoving my wand up next to his throat.

"You. Sick. Git. Tell me where Orion is!" I snapped at him, trying not to explode.

"Tessa, what do you even see in Orion he's never been there for you." Chris attempted to stall.

"YOU SHUT UP! You don't know anything about what's been going on between Orion and I, you will tell me where he his or else I will will use crucio on you." I yelled at him, flinching he lead me wordlessly down in towards what I presumed to be the basement, he paused at the door, his hand shaking.

"You won't like what you'll see Tessa, I don't think your prepared for this, you haven't seen anything near dangerous before in your life." Chris paused, giving me a strange look.

"You don't even know what I've seen Chris, I've been tortured to near insanity, I saw my own brother die in front of me! You don't even KNOW!" I nearly screamed at him again, and he looked at me in shock, with a quick non-verbal the door was blown away, I entered the dungeon like bottom floor.

I saw Orion curled up in pain in one corner and Bellatrix in another yelling at Michael Turner. Fury boiled through my veins. With a quick and totally unexpected curse, Bellatrix crumpled to the ground, and Michael turned towards his savior shocked, but paused, he recognized me. "Wait! I have an explanation!" He protested backing away from me. My anger only rose miles higher, and I waited for him to continue. "I didn't, we didn't, I just, it was, mistaken, wrong, thing, person, boy." Michael stumbled over his words as I advanced on him, looking murderous.

"That is the most pathetic excuse I have ever heard someone say." I spat hatefully at the co murderer of my brother.

"We didn't think that, we didn't understand, if we knew." Michael kept speaking in incomplete sentences.

"YOU KILLED MY BROTHER!" I shouted at him, my wand was now digging in to his chest and he looked at me in horror. "You killed him in front of my little sister and I, you understood perfectly what you were doing."

"Please, just give me a second chance, the second chance that Timothy deserved." Michael begged, now shaking in fear.

"DON'T say his name!" I did all I could possibly do to not continue yelling, I realized that Orion was still here, and casting another spell, Michael was stuck to the wall and I walked over to the youngest Malfoy. "Orion, please, be okay." I whispered hoarsely, I hesitated and then cast ennervarte.

"Tess?" He croaked, blinking slightly, my heart soared as he recognized me, I was so worried. "Tessa, you got to get out of here, Bellatrix..."

"I dealt with her, it's okay Orion." I mumbled, hugging him tightly and never wanting to let go of him again...

Floating, in the distance.
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