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“What’s going on, Ruthie?” George demanded as he sat down at the kitchen table. Emily and Ruthie gulped.
“Are you pregnant?” he growled at her, his face tormented in anger.
“What? No!” Ruthie yelled in shock. They heard the living room T.V. being muted.
“George, please don’t jump to conclusions. Let her speak,” Emily said firmly. George calmed down only slightly and stared at his daughter with an expectant look.
“Daddy, I, er, I’ve been dating this guy…” Ruthie said quietly. She glanced at her mother desperately.
“You’re dating someone?” he demanded. Ruthie nodded slowly.
“Who?” he asked. Ruthie gulped, knowing he was about to explode.
“Well, er, don’t flip out, Daddy… I’m dating Scorpius… Malfoy,” Ruthie whispered.
George stared at her, his jaw dropping slightly. Emily grabbed his hand and squeezed it tightly, trying to remind him. Everyone was silent, waiting for his reaction.
“MALFOY?” he finally shouted, pushing back from the table. The chair clambered to the ground and Emily and Ruthie flinched.
“George, please, you don’t even know him,” Emily tried to reason. George wasn’t hearing it.
“I FORBID YOU TO EVER SEE HIM AGAIN, RUTHIE GINERVA WEASLEY! IS THAT UNDERSTOOD?” he yelled. Ruthie stared at him in shocked horror.
“I forbid you to forbid her!” Emily yelled back at him. He glared at her as if it were her fault.
“A Malfoy, Emily, a Malfoy,” George shouted.
“I heard her the first time, thank you,” Emily replied coldly. She turned to Ruthie.
“Why don’t you go wash up for dinner? Teddy, Amelia, and Sirius should be here soon.” Ruthie nodded, but then hesitated.
“I invited them for dinner,” she whispered. Emily nodded once and then motioned with her chin to leave the room.
“That goes for you guys, too,” she yelled toward the living room. All of the kids sluggishly made their way upstairs.
I thought I said please, she thought as she looked at the ceiling again. This was probably one of their little jokes, thinking it’s funny to watch.
This is not some sitcom, Sirius Black and Remus Lupin! she thought angrily before turning to her husband.
“George Weasley, what on earth is wrong with you?” Emily asked angrily as she picked up the chair.
“What is wrong with me? What is wrong with her? He’s a Malfoy, Emily!” George said as his fist pounded the kitchen counter top.
“Cut it out! Ruthie is a smart girl, you should trust her judgment,” Emily said soothingly.
“Her, I trust, him, not so much,” he growled. Emily sighed.
“C’mon, Georgie, you don’t even know him,” she said as she slowly made her way over to him. He automatically held out his arms as if it were a tradition. She gently placed her hands on either side of his face and made him meet her gaze.
“Please be nice tonight, and you owe your daughter an apology.”
George searched her eyes. She smiled slightly and he sighed.
“I guess it was a bit of an overreaction,” he allowed. She nodded with a critical look on her face and he sighed again, his breath tickling her cheek. She kissed him gently on the lips and wrapped her arms around his neck. His hold around her waist tightened.
“I love you,” she whispered.
“Forever and Always,” he replied as he kissed her forehead.
“Aren’t you guys too old for this?” Sirius asked from the doorway, his nose crinkling in disgust. Emily and George laughed lightly.
“Okay, okay, can you make sure Emma and Geoffrey are ready?” Emily asked Sirius and Amelia. They both nodded and headed off for the stairs after hugging their parents.
“Remember to breathe tonight, Georgie,” Emily said softly. He nodded slowly. Emily scrutinized his expression and then went to set the table.
“Mum! MUM!” Fred yelled as he ran down the stairs.
“No running in the house!” George told him at the same time that Emily said,
“What now?”
“Can we please, please, open one present tonight?” he asked as he stopped right in front of her, his twin right behind him. They both gave her the puppy dog eyes with their bottom lips jutting out. Emily chuckled at their expression.
“Sorry, babe, but no. You know the rules,” she said lightly as she cupped his chin with her hand and then ruffled Remus’s hair.
“But that’s not fair!” Remus insisted.
“Don’t even try it, Remus. We have this conversation every year and you always lose. Why do you think this year will be different?” she asked with a smile as she starting moving plates and bowls into their dining room. The silvery color on the walls glinted off of the bowls as she put them on the table.
“Please, Mumma, please!” Fred said again. Emily laughed and shook her head. They left the room, no doubt to try George now.
What do you think?