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Team ronmione Now seeing Fee crying like this, really broke his heart.He just stared at her, with a half opened mouth, not knowing what to say, still speechless himself.
Slowly he walked closer to her and hugged her softly, patting her hair the way Adam Burn did it.
"Please don't cry, Fee- that only makes it harder for all of us.
Yeah it is...But don't worry I can still....I'll still be your friend no matter what! Though owling you from Mexico to Germany or London- that's a long ride for any owl..."
Fee snuggled into him a little when he hugged her. Stupid her for crying now."
I am sorry Adam",she muttered into his shoulder.Of course she was tjhe one overreacting.Pff. Oh god, poor Kurumi.She must feel terrible.
"Whats with Kurumi?",she asked now looking up into his eyes. Mhhh yeees the poor owl would have to fly much.Maybe too much?"
I really hope we can keep in touch",the blonde nodded,"
but Mexico City is so far away."Maaaaan stupid parents.