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As Rubiey tied her hair up, she noticed a first year trip over, and flashbacks of last year came flooding. She had been exactly the same, tripping over rocks and stuff. She smiled and held a hand out to the girl to help her up. "You alright there? Don't worry, I don't think anyone else saw." She said kindly. "I'm Rubiey, by the way." She said, still smiling.
Jamie smiled and took the girls helping hand.
"Thanks. I'm okay. Nothing that hasn't happened before. I'm a major klutz. Always have been." She smiled as she dusted off her clothes and said,
"I'm Jamie. It's nice to meet you Rubiey." She heard the professor mention something about taking a seat so she chose a spot on a bit of comfortable ground.
"Thanks again for the help." Quote:
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Professor Vindictus was leaning on the broom rack that held the school brooms and watched as the students slowly trickled into the lesson.
"Welcome to Flying! Please have a seat on the grass in front of me," he said cheerfully and he noticed a few students actually arrived with brooms.
Jamie looked at the brooms behind the Professor and kind of wish she hadn't left hers at home this year.
"Hello Professor," she said smally. Maybe he wouldn't hear her. She only greeted her Professors now because she had been yelled at by the Potions Mistress and her head of house.