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ooc: no problem. I'm getting tired too lol. Another post to finish off your reading?
"It is an upside, but you do relaise the reason your not dying is because I'm here to protect you from yourself", laughed Emily.
"Staff- hopes and fears"...."Queen of wands" said Emily
"So the Queen of wands indicates that you are a vivacious, out-going person who enjoys being in the lime light, often associated with performace, creative arts and/or leaders and activists." "The down side of the Queen of wands is that they may become over-bearing and bossy and may overwhelm or intimidate others s opposed to inspiring them."... "Perhaps you hope to be inspiring and interesting, or fear being a burden or being overwhelming and bossy.".... "Hope to be liked and fear to be disliked." summed up Emily, she hoped this was right.
"And the last staff represents the final outcome." said Emily as she took a deep breath in. "So this is it..." she said as she turned the card face up.
"The moon", she said as she riffled through her text book.
"From what I can gather", started Emily... "the moon has two sides, the dream and the nightmare, on the one side it may promise creativity and powerful magic as well as intuition, but on the flip side it warns about secret/ unexpected enemies, tricks or even falsehoods." Emily paused and looked up at Claire.
"You will go through trying and testing times, emotionally and mentally. Stay strong, and focused and hopefully this will result in creativity, great powers- psychic even with visions and insight."
"Trust your instinct", she said finally waiting for Claire's response.
Claire paid attention as Emily interpretted the rest of her cards.
By the end of it Claire was some-what confused. Her last card didn't offer her much resolution, it wasn't absolute, she wasn't even sure if it was a good or a bad thing. It all seemed to be a bit up in the air.
"So... after all that I may or may not succeed. It's going to be a battle empotionally and mentally. I'm going to struggle", she said. Just great she thought. "High priestess better help me out", she mumbled bitterly.
"Your turn now! Im going to reat your future, hopefully it will be more diffinitive than this silly moon business", she moaned. She really expected something more concrete than the moon. It was so vague she wasn't sure where she stood.
ooc: carry on tomorrow? I'll read yours pm me or txt me.