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Ara's evil grin vanished as she gave Corvus a look between a blank stare and an evil glare. She was smart, she was beautiful, she had a cute boyfriend and she had Corvus. Hmph. She did adore him to a certain point but there were times were he was like her annoying brother.
"Hey! I'm smart!" She crossed her arms to her chest and looked out through an opened window thingy mah-bobber. Now he was begging her to go to the lake. She tilted her head slightly as her eyes looked back at him. "Fine. I'll go." But then she raised a brow and uncrossed her arms. "Who are you gong to draw?" Not WHAT are you going to draw.
Corvus grinned with such delight at seeing the look on Ara's face. It was the look of OH CRAP! Corvus Bested me again!!! Yes he had. Oh and yes he was about to do it again."Yes. You are Smart. SmartBUTT." He commented as he smiled even more when she said she would accompany him to the Lake. "Sweet." He enjoyed company while he drew. He was sure she would take the opportunity to talk about her new boy toy, but he didn't mind it. He only half listened when he drew.
"Who am I going to draw? I'm not sure. I can draw one of you if you want. HOLD still." he told her as he quickly pulled out his pencil. He drew a quick stick figure with FRIZZY hair that looked much like an Afro. The stick figure had on robes and a dress. He tore it out of his notebook, handing it to her as he smiled." Lets go." He told her as he turned towards the lake." I drew a picture of you so you wont get jealous if i draw someone else." He turned around to face forward as he grinned.