:: Ganymede walked confidently into the Great Hall and sat next to some girls who were chitchatting. "Oi! Pass the potatoes will you please?" She asked the girl (Rox). "This year shall be exciting. Anyone here up for a bit of a celebration before the Professors truly catch on to the troublemakers?" Ganymede whispered across to them, hoping they would be in the mood. "They'd forgive us this time if we forget the rules, after all we all just got back." She winked and waited for the potatoes. "By the way, I'm Ganymede. You girls look innocent enough to get away with some mischief, I need friends like you." She smiled at them sweetly, but Ganymede's appearance was less than innocent. She was tall for her age with purple spiky hair and liked to push buttons. It didn't help that her smile was impish. ::
__________________ <3~<3~Twenty or more years can change a person <3~<3~ |