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"Oh your in seventh year?" wow, she was amazed she was even in the same room as him, let alone talking to him. Why did older students make her nervous? At least this student was a nice one!
Thorn is the sound it makes? What? Was she saying it's name right?
"Oh ok..." she said looking confused but nodded anyway.
"Yeah. I may look confused, but I look like this all the time. So don't let it fool you" she laughed "Your much better at explaining it than the books..."
Hopefully he'd take that as a compliment.
"Ancient runes seems to be my worse lesson. I hate it when I don't understand something and everyone else does. It makes me feel a bit stupid, if you know what I mean..."
Probably not, but she coudn't get worse, right?
"The rune meanings and the translations to the latin alphabet are completely different. That's quite important to remember," Jake pointed out. "When we're taking about meanings, focus on chapter five. Chapter six will help you on how to say it... look...
Leaning back slightly in his chair, Jake gave the younger girl a friendly smile. "Thank you. One day I hope to teach at a wizarding school, maybe at WADA, so I'm glad I'm not totally confusing you."
He nodded in understanding at Emily's words. "I'm like that with Divination, probably because I'm only really there for the grade... I believe in prophecies and that's the extent of it. What year are you in, anyway? You look quite young... I promise you that you'll pick up on it all super quickly. Truebridge is an amazing teacher."