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Old 01-16-2011, 12:38 AM   #101 (permalink)
I Nailed Wormtail
Love Hunter Extraordinaire
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Default Other Half
♥ 2G FC| Narnian!| Fremione|Full Sail Girl ♥| Dramione| Shadowhunter!| Jesse ♥

SPOILER!!: Katie's Comments :)
Originally Posted by KatielovesHP View Post
Aww Ems!
This was sweet, can't wait for this
Thanks, Katie

New post!

“Ruthie, do you want to talk about it?” Emily asked softly as she climbed up the tree in their backyard and sat beside Ruthie.

It was Christmas holidays and Ruthie spent most of it in stress.

“I don’t know, Mum,” she whispered. Emily wrapped an arm around her shoulder.

“You can tell me anything, sweetie,” Emily said softly.

“I feel like the odd one out in this family,” Ruthie whispered. Emily sighed quietly—she had waited for this day.

“You shouldn’t,” Emily said quietly.

“I’m the only one without someone else, Mum… Amelia and Sirius, Remus and Fred, Emma and Geoffrey, they each have each other. I have no one,” she huffed.

“Correction, you have us all,” Emily said as she squeezed her shoulder. “You may not be a twin, but we all love you. This family isn’t complete without you, never forget that,” Emily said.

Ruthie shrugged indifferently. “It’s just that, I wish I had someone to tell my secrets to,” she whispered.

“I’m always here,” Emily reminded her.

Ruthie rolled her eyes. “I can’t tell you, you’re my mother,” Ruthie said in a matter of fact tone. Emily laughed lightly.

“What about Leslie?” Emily asked.

“It’s not the same as having another half,” Ruthie said quietly. Emily understood what she meant. She was always alone growing up. She had Remus, but she didn’t have a sibling. Unfortunately, Ruthie got her side of the genes on that one. All of her other children got George’s genes, being twins. The thought made her think of Fred, her late brother-in-law.

Emily never really had another half until she met George. She and Remus were more like thirds, where one of the thirds was missing. George was her other half, and Emily felt sad for her daughter, who didn’t have anyone like that.

“Ruthie,” Emily said quietly.

“I met someone,” Ruthie whispered, interrupting Emily. Ruthie blushed a deep shade of red as she looked off into the distance.

“Really? That’s great, Ruthie,” Emily gushed. “Do I know him?” Emily asked curiously.

Ruthie shrugged her shoulders, making a face of frustration. Emily knew that look. “Who is it?” Emily asked. No answer. “Ruthie, I promise not to be biased like your father would be,” Emily promised. Ruthie sighed in relief.

“Promise?” Ruthie asked. Emily nodded. “His name is Scorpius,” Ruthie whispered. Ruthie heard her mother’s sharp intake of breath and peeked at her expression. Emily looked calm, though inside, she couldn’t help but let her old memories of Scorpius Malfoy’s father flood her mind. She felt woozy from the flashbacks.

“Mum?” Ruthie asked cautiously.

“Are you dating?” Emily asked quietly. Ruthie nodded slowly, measuring her mother’s response. “How long have you been dating?” Emily asked subtly.

Ruthie hesitated and Emily glanced at her. “Well, we’ve been dating for three years, Mum,” Ruthie whispered, refusing to meet her Mother’s eyes.

Emily gasped loudly. “And you’re just now telling us?” she asked incredulously.

Ruthie nodded. “We didn’t know how to tell you guys,” she pleaded. “I’m sorry, Mum,” she said. Emily nodded vaguely as she thought about the past three years.

“Is Scorpius telling Draco?” Emily asked quietly. Ruthie nodded. “Do you like him a lot, Ruth?”

“I don’t like him, Mum… I’m in love with him,” she whispered. Emily nodded, thinking it through.

“I trust you and I trust your decisions… Why don’t we go tell your father?”

“Do we have to?” Ruthie groaned. Emily chuckled, tugging on her hand as she jumped down from the tree.

“I promise it will be fine,” Emily soothed with a chuckle.

They made their way into the little cottage, the smell of lasagna and turkey filling their nostrils. Emily could hear Emma, Geoffrey, Fred, and Remus in the living room, watching T.V. She glanced around the small kitchen and then held up a finger to Ruthie. Ruthie waited at the table while Emily went upstairs to find her husband. Before bothering him, she looked up at the ceiling.

Please was all she thought as she directed it to her godfather and father. They would know she was asking for help if they had been watching.

“Georgie?” Emily asked hesitantly from the doorway of their bedroom.

“Yes, love?” he replied as he peeked out from behind the closet door.

“There’s something Ruthie would like to tell you,” Emily said quietly. George narrowed his eyes, a frown forming on his face.

“What is it?” he asked suspiciously. Emily shook her head, giving him no hint.

“Just keep in mind that things have changed since our time at school, okay?” Emily asked. George narrowed his eyes even more, but nodded. “She’s waiting in the kitchen,” Emily said hesitantly. George stalked out of the bedroom, grabbing Emily’s hand as he passed to lead her to the kitchen.

“What’s going on, Ruthie?” George demanded as he sat down at the kitchen table. Emily and Ruthie gulped. “Are you pregnant?” he growled at her, his face tormented in anger.

“What? No!” Ruthie yelled in shock. They heard the living room T.V. being muted.

I thought I'd leave it there Let me know what you think

You can throw your sticks and stones,
Throw your bombs and your blows,
[But you're not gonna break my soul.]

Last edited by Emileyn; 01-21-2011 at 11:01 PM.
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