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Old 01-15-2011, 09:00 PM   #18 (permalink)
Luna Laufghudd
Special Services to the School
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Join Date: Aug 2008
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Maya 'Fiera' Saylen
♪ Golden Badger ♥ clawdia & taylour ♥ Huffie Cappytain ♫

Originally Posted by Michael White View Post
Hearing she was out by the wood pile he puts his boots back and walked back "Hi proffesor it is bout my Owl Bubba he not eatting and is pulling at his fethers showing her the patch on the bird that was startting to thin,setting the bird down on the wood pile so she could get a better look
"Ah, Mister White." She greeted, noting who it was. His owl, again? Poor creature, it seemed to have problems adjusting to its new home? Seeing the lack of feathers on the owl, Maya knelt down beside the log it was resting on and steadily held the creature down while inspecting the naked spot. "There there... Why are you pulling your feathers, huh?" Yes, she's talking to the owl. "How long has she been like this, Mister White?"

Originally Posted by sweetpinkpixie View Post
Kurumi smiled. Just because she didn't keep them locked in little cages didn't mean she didn't know where they were at. Kurumi's eyes brightened a bit and a small smile crept across her face. "Um, well, last know when we observed Dugbogs and Walking Sticks? Well, I know that mine bit me, but I became kind of attached to him...I named him Chibi...I was kind of wondering if perhaps I could say hello..."
Say hello to a dugbog? Chibi?
The Mexicana took a moment to look at the young girl, wondering what was running through her mind, before taking a breath. "Say hello if you wish, Miss Hollingberry, since they are no longer in my care. I released them shortly after the class." Maya explained with a small shrug. "However, I'm sure you know where one could find Dugbog's around here?" Eh, eeeeeeh? Could she? Well, Maya assumed Kurumi could. Heh.

Originally Posted by sarahb View Post
Jackie thought quickly about the professors question. "Well she was at my house, in London. I don't know the type of cat," she said. Indicating to the scratch on the leg she said, "I think its a........actually I don't really know."
Blink. Hold on. "In London?" Looking at the girl, Maya squinted, then looked at the owl. "This owl flew here...from London? Like this?" Oh dear. It was no news they could fly great distances, but flying hurt was another deal. So the wound was somewhat fresh. "Good of you to bring her to me quickly. She will be just fine, I just need to get an ointment to put it on her leg."

Giving the owl back to the girl, and taking out her wand, she held it like a pen and 'wrote' something invisible on the palm of her hand. After a second, a small jar was produced with a clear blue gel inside. Opening it, she scooped some up with a finger, gently grabbed the owl's leg and began to put the ointment on the scratch. "You will get to take this ointment with you," hm, smelled like berries, "And you will need to put it on the scratch two times a day until the scratch is gone. No need to clean the scratch before, unless it has dirt on it... use water if it has." When she was finished, she smiled at the owl, then at the girl. "There you go." she gave the girl the jar "Do let me know how it goes. Did you see any more injuries on her?"
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