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In any other situation, the fact that Braeden was making an even messier mess of himself would have been amusing. But Ellie blew his face up. That wasn't funny.
Towards the end of Ellie's speech of many apolgies, she felt Braeden put a finger to her lips, hushing her. She stopped talking immediately and looked up at him with wide eyes, realizing how much of a maniac she sounded like. Her lips were even parted a little. She probably looked insane. "Er. Sorry." She said quietly. Funny, she was apologizing for apologizing too much...
Something on her face? She whipped a hand to her face and unknowingly wiped her blank finger on her cheek, smudging more soot on. "What, where?" She asked. Nooo, this was going all wrong.
Braeden couldn't help but laugh at the fact that Ellie was apologizing for apologizing, his teeth looking brighter and whiter than ever now that his face was as dark as his shoes. He watched with guilty amusement as Ellie tried to clean her face but instead ended up smudging the black coal-like stuff on her cheek.
"And now you look like a warrior about to spear someone," he snorted, unable to hold back the amusement that came from seeing his new Ravenclaw friend looking like this. True, he felt a little bad for being responsible for the mess, but... Merlin. It was just too funny.
"I'd help you, but my hands are... well, black," said Braeden, pulling out his hands from his pockets and holding them up for the girl to see the mess he had made of them. If he tried to help her, she'd just end up looking like him and no one wanted that. "Tell you what... You give me your books and on our way to whatever room you have class in, you can stop by the bathroom and clean up or something?" suggested Braeden, not really sure how big of a deal this was to her. She was a girl, so he imagined her appearance must've mattered to her. While he, on the other hand, didn't really mind walking around like he just escaped the loony bin and set fire to it. In his opinion, it made him look... adventurous! A total wizard version of Indiana Jones. Yeah. He was so cool.