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Old 01-15-2011, 05:28 AM   #18 (permalink)

Scheming Marauder
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Originally Posted by sarahkbarrett View Post
No big deal? Ellie laughed nervously, scanning his face. "Well you, er... Your face is... black." She took her pointer finger and rubbed some ash off his cheek. She showed her black finger to him with a frown.

Suddenly a million apologies and excuses flooded her mind. She spoke as fast as her mind was reeling. "I charmed the note to disolve after a minute, but I wasn't sure if it would just fall to peices or explode like it did. I thought it would just, y'know, be GONE, but I hadn't used magic all summer and I didn't really mean it to do that. Oh, Braeden I'm so sorry I blew up your face! I really, I-I I'm sorry, I really am!" She said, her voice straining from not breathing inbetween words. It all sort of sounded like one reaaally long sentence. That's what happens when panic sets into Ellie.
Black? Huh? What? Braeden merely blinked in confusion until Ellie passed her index finger over his cheek and showed him the result of such a small gesture: the tip of her finger was completely black, as if she had just touched… coal or something. What?! That was on his face?! Braeden passed both hands over his face in an attempt to wipe off the black stuff, but instead he just ended up:
One- making a bigger mess of himself.
Two- tainting his hands, and
Three- ruining his uniform when he passed his hands over it afterwards. The boy was just a disaster. A five-year-old had more grace.

But before Braeden could fully begin to panic, Ellie had taken on that job. She was going on and on about how the note was supposed to just dissolve, and this and that, and Braeden was just finding himself overwhelmed with the avalanche of apologies. Wide-eyed, he stared at her as she went on and on, and figured he'd best get her to stop apologizing before she jump off the nearest staircase in her remorse. The lanky boy brought up a finger and placed it on Ellie's lips while doing the same to his lips with his free hand, going, "Sshh," as if he was trying to calm a three-year-old crying over stolen candy. "Don't worry, I won't turn you into Azkaban for this," he assured her with one of his goofy grins, bringing his hands to his pockets. His grin faded, though, as he realized that now, thanks to that small gesture, he'd just left a black mark on Ellie's lips, so the girl looked like she was wearing black lipstick or something. Oh. Crap.

"Uhhh… Er… You kinda… sorta have something… on your face," muttered Braeden.

— the sun & the moon
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