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Old 01-15-2011, 05:03 AM   #16 (permalink)

Scheming Marauder
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Originally Posted by sarahkbarrett View Post
Ellie waited, trying not to smile. She wondered what floor he was on and hoped she didn't make him run too far. Sooner than later, she heard mad stomping from the stairwell.

Ellie saw Braeden reach the top of the stairs. And collapse. "Oh.." She quietly said to herself, tempted to poke him. Finally Braeden stood up slowly. Oh Merlin... "You're.. face." She said quietly. It looked like someone threw a grenade at his face. She had charmed the paper to dissolve itself after a minute. But after a long summer break, she was a bit rusty.

"Your hair..." She walked up to him, reached up to his head and ruffled his hair a little. A cloud of ash formed around his head and a few burnt chunks of hair fell. She coughed as she inhaled some of it. "Merlin's pants, Braeden... Was that my... note?" She asked, already knowing the answer.
Braeden coughed as Ellie got a cloud of ash to suffocate them after ruffling his burnt hair. As she asked if that was the result of her note, he gave a weak chuckle, trying to be as nonchalant about it as possible. "Yeah, but it's no big deal," he said, waving a hand as if it was of no importance. "I mean, I didn't get burnt so I'm fine…" then his smile faded and his eyes widened. "I didn't burn myself, right?" he asked a little more nervously now. He didn't really feel like… he got burnt or anything, but what if he was walking around with burnt skin on his face or something without being aware?! Ew… oh Merlin! No! His beautiful face! GAH.

— the sun & the moon
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