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Trina nodded as she continued to inspect the grime on her shoes. For the most part, they just seemed wet, although the coloring of parts of her shoes hinted at more. She looked up at his comment. "I love the fall- with the leaves changing and the smell in the air," she sighed and looked back down at her shoes. She would have to do the spell in two parts. She would dry them out first and then clean them. She did so, first on one foot, and then the other. Then, she turned to Parke. "Would you like me to take care of your shoe?" she asked him, indicating his swampy foot. She normally would have done it without permission- but this time it felt more appropriate to ask.
She raised her eyebrows at his reply, fighting a smile. "Parke... I was only joking," she told him. "I was hoping to get another smile or a laugh at least," she said with a giggle of her own. She became quiet as she listened to his explanation. She frowned as he continued. "Well, that doesn't sound like any fun," she said, shaking her head. "Did you get to do anything for fun?" she pressed. However, as he continued, she decided not to ask any more questions. It looked like he was uncomfortable. So, swallowing them, she moved on to the next topic.
"Yes, the houses are strange," she said, nodding as she smoothed her hand over her badge. "I mean, they are fun in some ways, but from what I hear about the rivalries, it seems brutal in others," she replied. As he continued, she raised her eyebrows. "Had quite a time?" she pressed gently. "What house was he from?"
She smiled mysteriously. "Transfiguration. I've always had a knack for it- I would love to do the animagus spell one day," she said with a smile. "How about yourself?"
"Yes, the fall is lovely as well." Fall was nice enough, but he liked the blinding white of snow. He watched her clean and dry her shoes and momentarily debated asking her to show him how to do it. Maybe it would be useful to know while he was here at school. He wouldn't have use for it after that. Oooooh, but then she offered. To clean his shoe! Merlin, he was in love! Or at least he would have been if he'd believed in such a thing.
"I would appreciate it ever so much if you did!"
A joke? Oh. Pranks and jokes and so much difference. Maybe he'd never get used to it. He started to frown, but then she giggled and he felt his lips twitch upward involuntarily. He graced her with a small smile and an ever-so-slightly-almost chuckle. And that was a feat in itself. He hadn't a conscious memory of himself laughing.
Fun. There was that word again. He ran a hand through his hair, feeling anxious suddenly.
"Well, if we were ahead in our studies, we were permitted to study extracurricular topics. We were also allowed evening passes to go dining in town, so I suppose that's what I did for... for enjoyment."
Aaaah. Brutal? The last thing he wanted to be a part of was brutality. It was so...so... plebeian. He placed his hands in his lap. He didn't really know what to do with them at the moment. Or rather, they wanted to do strange things...that. he. would. NOT. allow. Women sure had a strange effect on him. Maybe he was allergic.
She was speaking again. He liked the sound of her voice, he decided then.
"I think it was the blue one. I can't be sure though. Maybe the yellow?" He tried to think back.
"Yes, the yellow one. Huffiepuffs or something. I had a right time putting him his place", he explained, haughtiness creeping into his voice.
Transfiguration. A respectable subject. He nodded his approval, and then tried to find something to look at. His eyes had decided they wanted to look at her, but he would not stare at her like some kind of dolt.
"I'm quite fond of potions and arithmancy myself. I have a hard time choosing which I prefer. I'm horrible at charms though. And I won't even talk about what an utter failure I am at anything muggle related."