Originally Posted by
DH Vixen
Sylvie gave him and look and shook her head. "Well, you know holding a grudge will do you no good. It's just best to let it go." she voiced as she folded her arms before her. "I would suggest that you apologize to Fee for what you said. I only assume you feel bad about it and know it was wrong to say what you did." IF they were friends, their friendship could possible withstand what just occured.
She blinked and sighed. "Professor Lafay didn't force JD to leave and you shouldn't be thinking like this," she said as she shook her head. "A detention? Simon, many students are given detention and they return the next year. I really doubt that one detention was the deciding factor for JD to leave." That would be very ridiculous if that was true.
Simon hoped that the Professor was right. "I will appologise to Fee the next time I see her." Simon promised the Professor. "I am sorry I was like that in front of you." Simon was really sorry, he knew he would be punished and he hoped that it wouldn't be to bad.
Simon didn't know how to answer the next one it made sence but he still had this feeling that Professor Lafay did force JD to leave. "The detention was horrible, it was one of the worst experience of my life, I thought I was.." He stopped as he remember how JD had begged when the food was raising really high.