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Old 10-28-2004, 02:35 AM   #1 (permalink)
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Join Date: Jul 2004
Posts: 29
Default My Poems thus far... poems...not the best, but I have a few which I'd like to share.

First up: Trapped

Trapped behind the bars
of the prison of my own house

Repeating the words you said to me,
"Things will never change,
I don't ever want to hurt you.
This will last forever.
I'm sorry it has to be this way,
I still love you, but you've changed."

I say to you,
that I'm not the one who changed.

You say that I'm deranged
when I say you're the one deranged.

Trapped behind the bars
of the prison of my own misery

This is a new poem I just wrote. I got this idea in the shower, and I was like, "Oh! I have to write that down!" so, here it is.

That Bird, He Cries For Only You

That Bird
He cries for only you.

There's that boy
That everyone mocks
He's sick of his life
He's nothing to no one

That Bird
He cries for only you.

This boy, no one wants him
He's an outsider; a nobody
He weeps at night--
weeps for himself,
when no one else won't.

That Bird
He cries for only you.

Then one day
As the boy held his knife
He saw this bird, and he thought
That bird cries, he cries for me.

That knife he held,
It slipped down his arm
Bringing the blood.
Oh, he cried, oh save me!

That Bird
He cries for only you.

That boy he died
O so slowly, he slipped
Slipped into a world,
Where he, that boy,
was with his bird, and he cried,
"That Bird, He cries for only you!"

Perfect Is As Perfect Does

You were there for me
You loved me for me.
You said I was perfect as I was.

Don't you know that people always say,
"Perfect is as perfect does?"

Well, you must know now
Because that's what you wanted.
The perfection inside,
when you know I am something short of perfect.

Those people always say that
Perfect is as perfect does.

You wanted no flaws.
You said they would hurt us.

Well, I'm telling you now:
I'm not perfect,
I never will be.
So get over yourself,
and move on, because
I'm not "Perfect is as perfect does!"

This is my goodbye to you.
Adios, sayonara, you perfect
little attention grabber; wanter; lover.

Goodbye to you.

Yet another poem. Not very good...I wrote it because of Zach.(Rhythm's off, I know.) I just feel I don't deserve him, and this chronicles my 14th(I'm almost 16 now) year and up, to where I found Zach...and up until now.

Why You?

I wake up again
To another horrible day,
where I put on my facade
And live life as it's not.

I lived this way so long,
I shed so many tears.

So many screams penetrated my mouth.
And then, I found you.
I found you, and my life lit up.

I was loved;
I had hope and confidence.
You loved me for me.

Why you?
I don't deserve you.
Why you?
I'm not like you at all.

My life and dreams,
they came crashing down.
But you were there, and you helped.
You helped me pick up those pieces,
of my memory and life.

Why you?
I don't deserve you.
Why you?
I'm not good enough for you.

And then--one day,
As I held that knife so close to myself,
You helped me realize that
I don't need to be exactly like you.
You loved me for me, and that's all you wanted.

So why you, I ask.
I thought I didn't deserve you,
as that question popped up so much.

But you were there.
And you loved me.
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