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Old 01-14-2011, 07:45 PM   #23 (permalink)

Mountain Troll
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Originally Posted by CreativeAllie18 View Post
Alice rested her head against Lexi's shoulder again when Lexi pulled her in for another hug. Alice wasn't crying anymore she was just kind of numb to it all. She leaned back as Lexi pulled her out of the hug and gave a tiny smile as Lexi tucked a piece of her hair behind her ear.

"That is true," Alice said with a little smirk. "I guess I can't really help my dad move on from this if I'm not happy either." Alice looked down at the ground a couple of minutes before looking back up at Lexi.

"I don't know what I'd do without you Lexi. You're the only one who seems to really understand it, you know? I mean, other people care, but you understand."

Alice looked at Lexi for another moment before reaching into her jean pocket and pulling out the pink handkerchief Lexi had given her. She tied it around her head before giving Lexi another smile.
Lexi watched as Alice seemed to process what advice she had given her. It was a lot to digest, she knew. Once the little Gryffie seemed to mull it over and agree Lexi smiled at her brightly. Thata girl.

"I try, kiddo. I try," Lexi said with a small smile touching her lips. Her smile brightened further as Alice tied the pink handerkerchief around her head. "How are you enjoying classes so far, Alice? Been having a tough time concentrating or is everything fine where that is concerned?" she asked, concern clear on her face.
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