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Elektra saw Derian step a little closer to her and her emerald green gazed up at him. When they were together she would think of nobody else but Derian. She would forget about all of her troubles and everything else when she was around him. She tilted her head to the side when he looked somewhere else and she raised her eyebrow slightly. "Hey you ok Derian?"
Y-yes. I just got inexplicably nauseous for a second..." He swallowed and grinned weakly hoping his excuse would work, "
But... its passing. Must have been some kind of delayed nerves from the tryout catching up with me." He breathed carefully, anxious about his sudden sensitivity to her smell. Growing up, he had always had an extremely good sense of smell, and he had learned to sift out the scents that accosted his nose so that he would not be overwhelmed by them. He recalled that ability now.
Maybe it was his proximity to Elektra that was exacerbating his condition... that, and his obvious admiration of the girl.
Wanting to change the subject, he focused instead on Elektra's necklace, "
Hey... is that necklace new?" He tilted his head in a way that was reminiscent of a puppy and grinned, "
I never noticed it on you before. It's pretty!"