OOC-ooh! second wittness! go astrid! sure,i feel like being important.
Astrid had been up all night. it wasent the first time. she walked around the school at least 30 times over since 3 am. she enterd the great hall to get breakfast only to see a boy from her house....theo was his name if she recalled correctly. "whats he doing here?" she muttered to herself. there was no one else but minstry wizards,teachers and theo in the room. she exited quietly and stood on the side of the doorway listening intently to what was going on. "i told you!i was never there!" she hurd him shout. "whats going on here...and wheres my friend draco?" she said to herself. she hurd something about draco being missing. "missing? this cant be....he was here lastnight...i was talking to him and than....." she thought back. she remberd talkin to him,than going up to be. draco had said he was staying up for a bit longer. she shrugged and shook her head. she went in the room again and apprched prof.snape. "excuse me sir? i was walking by to get to the washroom and i hurd something about someone being missing. is there any way i can be of help?" she looked over at theo and smiled. she wanted to help him,let him go and get up to bed...it looked as if he haddent slept at all. "its draco malfoy isent it?" she said looking back at snape. |