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"Raven, that's fantastic! You're improving," Kurumi applauded picking up the cup and examining it. Perhaps she should seriously consider a career in teaching. See the smile on Raven's face as his magic began to blossom was certainly making her want to seriously consider it. "Um, well, before we move on I think it would be a good thing if you could remove all the dust in one go."
Baby steps. First we must master the baby steps before we start a fire.
Raven have the necessary confident now, he is improving Kurumi said, that why Raven confidently do it in one try.
Raven grip his wand firmly, gave it a simple swish-and-flick "Scourgify" he said loudly, the dust in the cup is removing itself, the up is cleaning itself. "
Wow, I did it, I really did it, Kurumi" Raven said loudly almost a shout. "
That was fantastic" he add. his smile is likely reaching his ears.