Originally Posted by
Ashy Malfoy
Tyrone smiled as he settled the purring kitten on his shoulder, sporting a brand new collar. "I'm the eldest, so I wouldn't know. Although sometimes the younger ones can be a little annoying at times. Then again, my sister is only four" he smiled sheepishly, absently petting Jewels. "She is adorable isn't she? I saw her in the pet shop and I just had to have her. It was like she was calling out to me. Besides, we already have a couple of owls flying around. Father didn't want another"
"Well I guess I was the eldest but now Rowan will be. I'm the middle child now." Jamie shrugged. She never really cared about ranking.
"Well she is adorable and I can understand the feeling about having a house full of owls. Me, my mum, and dad all have one." She shrugged again as if it was no big deal.
"So have you met anybody else?"