Stephanoodle || Adorable Nerd Quote:
Originally Posted by jengirls109 "Do you really think so? He looked so mad in Ancient Runes. I was afraid to talk to him," Jaina stated. She was glad that Annabelle and her had become friends. It could be just that, but she wasn't sure. Of, course this was her first time, too. "I thought offering a lemondrop would get him to talk, but he was very short in his answer. He also ran out of Charms before I could say anything." Jaina was truly perplexed by this. That's why she liked Joshua: he was simple and easy to read. Belle smiled at her. "I know so!" she had the same experience last year. "One boy kept teasing me and was insulting me. But he came around and one of his friends says, he is only making you mad and ignoring you sometimes because he likes you." she said. "I know it is not really a similar situation but let's see what you get when you talk to him!" she grinned and had some sheperd's pie. "I know i am onto my fourth pie but i am a really big eater." she said and took a huge bite and laughed hoping Jania would laugh as well. |