Stephanoodle || Adorable Nerd Quote:
Originally Posted by jengirls109 "Hey, Belle. I'm having the WORST first day ever!" Jaina said with a frown. "I went to Ancient Ruins this morning and I decided to walk and read my book. That was a BIG mistake! I walked right into this boy sitting in a chair. He stared at me. THE WHOLE TIME! Oh my gosh it was like freaky. THEN, he points to the chair and desk in front of him. I picked my stuff up and sat in front of him! I was terrified that he was gonna hex me! Then I go to Charms class and he placed 2 jelly beans on all the desks and my desk has my favorite, which I think is dumb luck, but still! I went over and thanked him and gave him a lemon drop. He spoke to me like a normal person. Like he wasn't mad at me at all! I didn't get his house OR year, but he looked older than me. And potions didn't go well at all either...I flooded my cauldron!" she took a breath. "I'm worried, Belle. About everything. And the boy didn't even hex me! He was really strange. I don't understand. He looked mad, but then he was nice to me. What should I do??" Jaina clearly looked and felt worried. She was hoping her new friend would be able to help out. Belle heard her story. She did look distressed. "Alright Jania calm down." she gave her a hug for her bad day. "Take some deep breaths, it will be alright, everyone has a bad day. But it seems that he is interested in you! just plain simple." she said with a smile :]. "He wants to get to know you a little bit more and give you hints he wants to talk with you." she said. She had experience with this because a boy in her preschool acted the same he did and found out he liked her. But that is besides the point, "So during your next class sit next to him and start up conversations!" |