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Watching out for creatures was defiantly something more up Kurumi's alley than lugging long around. Nodding her head rather over excitedly, Kurumi dashed towards the logs and checked to make sure there was nothing....OH! A mouse! Kurumi reached into the pile and pulled out the small brown creature that gave a rather loud squeak at being exposed to the daylight so suddenly. "Oh hush now," she scolded the mouse as she walked a few feet away from the pile with every intention of letting the adorable thing go. "You wouldn't want Professor Saylan to chop you in half now, would you?"
Kneeling down on the ground, Kurumi released the tiny creature before turning her head around at the professor's question. "Oh, um, I was actually wondering about Chibi...erm, I mean the dugbogs we examined from last term." Kurumi stood up and slowly walked back to where there was much log chopping going on. "You wouldn't happen to still have them, would you?"
Now...where had she put her axe...
Chibi? Maya's attention was brought back to the young woman, noticing that something that had rushed over towards the bushes. The Dugbogs?
"I don't keep them in captivity, Miss Hollingberry." Because they weren't pets. And, they were dangerous to people who couldn't handle them. The Mexicana raised an eyebrow towards the girl,
"Why do you ask?" Hmmm?
Originally Posted by
D.A Forever
Following along the path that would eventually lead her to the Care of Magical Creatures professor's home as well as the Abraxan stables and shed, Katie's thoughts absently drifted toward the memory of last term when she had come down to meet the new professor and clarify a few things about the creature she had been assigned the term before. Like whether or not he was still here or if he had been moved someplace else, outside of Hogwarts.
This time she knew that her Abraxan colt (if he could still be considered a colt by this point, he was getting so big!) would be waiting in his stall, or maybe even outside of the stables, getting some fresh air. But he would be somewhere in the general area. She had other reasons for visiting the somewhat-more-stern-than-others professor this time around.
Glancing up as she neared the still very unique (at least to her) hut, the Hufflepuff approached the door, about to knock when she heard voices.. somewhere? She wasn't sure where exactily, except that they didn't sound like they were from inside. Eyebrows raising, Katie dropped her hand and considered her options.
Knock and seem like a fool when Saylen probably wasn't inside, or.. "Errh, Professor Saylen?" called the brunette, dark eyes scanning the front of the hut.
Hearing someone call her name, she took a couple of steps to see who was at the door. Another student.
"I'm over here, Miss..." Uhm...
"What can I help you with?" Quote:
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"Um Professor," Jackie said as she made her way around the back of the hut. Still cradeling her owl she held Mellvy up to show the professor. "My owl Mellvy was clawed by my cousins cat. I was wondering if you could help me. I'm unsure what to do," she said quickly.
Eyebrows furrowed at the sight of something feathery being held protectively. What was that and what had the girl done? Yes, Maya assumed the young girl had done something to it...but she didn't need to ask. Walking up closer, she took the owl in her hands to examine.
"When did this happen? And what kind of cat does your cousin have?" And where was the owl scratched?
Originally Posted by
Michael White
Walking up to the hut with his owl Bubba. Michael knocks on the door frame and takes off his boots and sits enjoying the warmth.stroking the owls head "yes Bubba I think she can help you "
Someone...was speaking to themselves?
Who was that? "I'm back here!" Maya called out, hoping that whoever it was would go to her, and not the other way around.
"Can I help you with anything?"