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Hmm, tea sounded pretty good actually. She couldn't help but say yes. "Oh. Yes, tea sounds wonderful! Thank you, sir." She replied with a smile at his kindness.
"Well Professor, I don't doubt that they'll be challenging." She said with a light-hearted laugh. He didn't seem like the type of teacher who would go easy on his students. "But I'm up for a little challenge, you know?" She was in Ravenclaw after all. Knowledge is important. "Actually I was wondering about what we'll go over in general. Just the basics. Will we be learning about specific galaxies and planets? Or how the extraterrestrial worlds move with each other...?" She asked with raised eyebrows.
Ellie looked towards the bookshelf, amazed at all the books he managed to fit onto the shelves. "I see that, sir." She said with a nod and a look of awe.
"Oh, please, no 'sir'," Risu said, picking up his wand and waving it at his stove next to the door. An old teapot on top of it started hissing steam almost immediately. This was a trick he had picked up from Avery - she was very good at these sort of household charms, and just a few months ago, Risu would have had to get up and make tea by hand (not something he would have minded, but this, he had had to admit, was more convenient). "'Professor' will do," he went on with a slight smile. "I am definitely not a sir, Miss Johanson."
The teapot gave a sharp whistle, and Risu waved his wand again. It rose from the stove and began a somewhat shaky ride through thin air until it was hovering over the desk. Risu gave it a light tap, and a cup of golden-coloured tea was poured into a cup. "There you go."
He watched her take a sip. "Well, over the last two years, I have covered a lot of basic material. In class, we've talked about the nature of science, we've talked about different views of the Universe..." He began ticking things off on his fingers. "We had a group project on all the different astronomical disciplines. Last year, we talked about the Big Bang model, as well as Einsteinian relativity and quantum mechanics." Risu leaned back in his comfortable chair.
"This term, without giving too much away, I am planning to spend some time on life in the Universe. Life, evolution of life, the possibilities of life on other planets, those sort of topics." He waved a hand.