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Finlay laughed, grinning at her. At least if she did fall apart he, as her amazing best friend would be there to give her a big hug. He was just so amazing like that. "Haha....that probably is a good thing." He grinned at her. A jealous best friend was probably not what he needed right now. "It is a shame that he's so far away though." Mia had a lot more strength than he did, Finn wouldn't have been able to do what she was. Not at all.
Finn frowned too. Marie really didn't look very happy. "Me too." He nodded, pushing her legs gently off of his lap before standing up. He had a feeling that this wasn't going to lead anyway good, and a cat fight in the middle of the library wasn't probably the best of ideas. Giving Mia one more glance, he wandered over to Marie. "Hey Marie."
Yeah it was a shame that Nik was so far away but Mia was dealing with it. What else was she supposed to anyway? Ask him to move closer? Nope that was not her style at all and besides Nik was happy with his new job.
Mia stood up after Finn and followed him over to where Marie was standing. Oh boy! The girl looked like she was getting ready to throw a few punches. "Hey Marie." She said brightly and with a smile on her face. Her friend couldn't resist her happy, smiling face now, could she?